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@he-dad Check out my Skeletor Tracking synopsis. Currently it's on hold "because the shipper didn't have my phone number". Considering I didn't order it from a rando Chinese Factory that makes sense. Idiocy.
While it was "picked up" the 27th I was notified of it shipping the 13th
Bro that is crazy. You gotta share this with Mondo so they will be gunshy about drop shipping from China again. They might even give you a discount coupon but make your headache their headache.

@emeraldknightphotos You should post a review. There are only 2 up. One is by a dude who is just gushingly super excited. If you take a shot everytime he says "guys" you'll be hammered in 10 seconds. But his excitement IS infectious. The other is by a dude that has no idea how a hood works.
I'm confident you could do better than both.
@He-Dad That's a great idea. I will do that.
Sitting here minding my own business and DHL just inexplicably dropped Skelly on my front porch. I can't open it for another 2:40 and I may actually die of excitement.
People are gettin notices that Beast Man is shipping.
Dealing with Mondo's f'd up shipping from China was total BS. But man...this right here is why I can't quit 'em.
@firmpulse dang thats 🔥 on his panthor like a boss!
Is something wrong with your Skeletor jaw? In that pic it looks pushed to one side and aint lining up
@firmpulse dang thats 🔥 on his panthor like a boss!
Is something wrong with your Skeletor jaw? In that pic it looks pushed to one side and aint lining up.
Nah, it's just a deeper shadow generated when I pulled out the shadows with my crappy iPhone X. But both sides of the mandible's teeth ARE slightly inset. Other than the stylization the sculptor took pains to emulate a real noggin. It's quite impressive. (good eye and attention to detail btw)
I've found myself liking the Thunder Punch sword a lot. Like it's a uber powered up version.
Naw bruh sorry some dude was wrong it didn't ship. He preordered Beast man from ebay and the seller marked it as shipped to collect his money and he thought it was actually shipping
That is some straight up BS! eBay needs to crack on all that 3rd party "pre-order nonsense". It's been allowed for about 10 more years than it ever should have been. Sellers should only be able to offer what they have IN HAND.
Question: What is a "CBST Agreement"?
@firmpulse dang thats 🔥 on his panthor like a boss!
Is something wrong with your Skeletor jaw? In that pic it looks pushed to one side and aint lining up.
Nah, it's just a deeper shadow generated when I pulled out the shadows with my crappy iPhone X. But both sides of the mandible's teeth ARE slightly inset. Other than the stylization the sculptor took pains to emulate a real noggin. It's quite impressive. (good eye and attention to detail btw)
I've found myself liking the Thunder Punch sword a lot. Like it's a uber powered up version.
Naw bruh sorry some dude was wrong it didn't ship. He preordered Beast man from ebay and the seller marked it as shipped to collect his money and he thought it was actually shippingThat is some straight up BS! eBay needs to crack on all that 3rd party "pre-order nonsense". It's been allowed for about 10 more years than it ever should have been. Sellers should only be able to offer what they have IN HAND.
Question: What is a "CBST Agreement"?
PREACH! Theres gotta be crowds of people screwed by that preorder bs on ebay where sellers disappear and havent delivered. The word preorder should be banned in their listings straight up.
Skeletors mouth could have lined up a little more for my liking but he still looks 🔥
CBST is like a feedback rating from that buy sell trade spot in this forum
@skeledog Ah! Thanks, I couldn't figure out what those were.
I'm finishing up a repaint of the Mondo Exclusive head. The sculpt is awesome but the brown desiccated gross flesh color wasn't working for me. I need my Skelly heads to be nuclear green to yeller. Should be finished by tomorrow. I'll post a pic to see what y'all think.
@firmpulse Woah you are repainting it? That is ballsy bro!
@skeledog Ah! Thanks, I couldn't figure out what those were.
I'm finishing up a repaint of the Mondo Exclusive head. The sculpt is awesome but the brown desiccated gross flesh color wasn't working for me. I need my Skelly heads to be nuclear green to yeller. Should be finished by tomorrow. I'll post a pic to see what y'all think.
Share that repaint bruh!
These pics are kind of crappy since they were snapped with my old iPhone X. But shows how it looks on the figure. I like it.
Got shipping notice for reg. Skeletor
@he-dad Thank you. I was happy with how it came out. I haven't even dropped it on the figure yet! LOL The gloss hits on the eyes and teeth were drying last night. I snagged it on my way out the door and brought it to work to photograph.
Even though it looks awesome bro do you ever think it kind of hurts its value by modifying it?
@he-dad I’ve thought about it. But that possibility doesn’t bother me. I do things like this for my benefit. And to practice my craft. To make the things I buy more to my liking. Were I to ever sell this my target audience would be a buyer that wants something unique and executed in a fashion that adds to the overall aesthetic of the piece. Someone who sees the modification as added value and not a detraction. To me, modifications that are done in a style that blends with the entire piece (in a way that makes them virtually indistinguishable from the production piece) are where it’s at.
I think every artist should aspire to do what they love. Those that are attracted to it and see the benefit will be of a like mind. Those people are an artist’s target audience.
@firmpulse That makes sense bro. Good deal. So it sounds like this what you normally do. Do you have any other customized Mondos that you think totally rock?
@he-dad No, the Skeletor head was first one. But I’ve done a ton of other stuff. The biggest of which was a total repaint of McFarlane’s Gold Label Batwing. It was featured on ToyArk about 8 months back. I painted it for one of the site owners. Before that I painted the McFarlane Flash/89 Batmobile. Recently, I did some paint mods to my Classified HISS. Minor stuff really. I do a lot of figure repaints and paint mods. I’m seriously kicking around totally repainting New Eternia Trap Jaw. That figure is amazing. So it would be really fun.