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Move over Turtles of Grayskull... Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! ThunderCats, HO! First teased last Summer during San Diego Comic-Con 2024, the new Masters of the Unvierse and Thundercats crossover has finally been officially revealed by Mattel. Titled "Masters of the Universe x ThunderCats", this new Origins 5.5 inch scale action figure subline will burst on the toy collector scene with a total of four new characters in its very first wave. Check them out: Masters of the Universe x ThunderCats Lion-O Action Figure Lion-O, the Lord of the ThunderCats is re-interpreted in Eternian style with a Sword of Omens. Lion-O is…
We have the Power!
MoTU and Thundercats go together like milk and cookies. These figures look amazing! I like with Lion-O and Cheetara is that the MoTU assets appear to be mostly removable, so if one was so inclined, you could take the MoTU armor off and you'd be left with an awesome "Mattel Origins"-style Thundercats figure to display. Which is a dream come true for a girl like me as I am a HUGE fan of both franchises and no company (so far) as really given the 'cats the retro rerelease treatment like so many other toylines have been getting these past few years, from our favorite MoTU to Hasbro's rerelease of the Kenner Real Ghostbusters figures and all of the various TMNT rereleases that Playmates have been putting out this past while.
It's good to see TC getting some rep and big-ups to Mattel for being the ones to do it!
These fail to excite me. They seem less inspired than the Turtles of Grayskull figures. But people seem to really be responding to them.
This looks kind of cool. I may pick up a couple but that Lion-O looks a bit off to me. I think the new Super 7 version with the limited articulation looks better.