Back on March 21st, a large blitz of Masters of the Universe figures (Masterverse and Origins) became available for pre-order at retailers like Amazon, BigBadToyStore and Entertainment Earth. Focusing momentarily on the seven inch Masterverse line, there were 13 Masterverse figures in total revealed. Announced in an exciting promotional blitz just one day prior, when […]
We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new WAVE 9 Ram Man figure from the Masterverse New Eternia action figure line! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can watch it embedded below! We’ll see you next […]
We have one more week to go until pre-orders go live for the Masterverse Masters of the Universe New Eternia Vykron Figure! But that hasn’t stopped Mattel Creations from opening up their pre-order page and teasing us with wonderful photography and information about this upcoming Deluxe figure! Check it out: From Eternia’s past comes a […]
We have breaking news to share on possible new Masters of the Universe figures! After some extensive research completed exclusively by, we have now discovered that Mattel has recently registered two new trademarks on two iconic Masters of the Universe characters: GRANAMYR and VIKOR. Thats right! In the Trademark Class 28 subcategory “Toy action […]
We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new WAVE 9 Clawful figure from the Masterverse New Eternia action figure line! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can watch it embedded below! We’ll see you next time! […]
Behold! Vykron is coming to Masterverse! Vykron is a Masters of the Universe character based on one of the first prototypes made for the original vintage toyline. Created by Mattel designer Roger Sweet (along with two other figure mock-ups), this barbaric warrior stole the show and eventually led to the creation of He-Man as we […]
This wave keeps on getting bigger and bigger! Now we have yet another collectible action figure that we can confirm is part of the ninth Masterverse Wave. Thanks to our community member Raúl, not only do we have our first look at the exciting Masterverse packaging for the upcoming New Eternia Whiplash Deluxe figure, but the back […]
Well this is exciting! We have our first look at the Masterverse Masters of the Universe New Eternia Deluxe Whiplash collectible figure in packaging! Brought to our attention by great friend to the site The Emerald Knight on Instagram, this first sighting comes courtesy of Unparalleled Universe via Mattel. Check it out: No word on […]
We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new WAVE 9 Faker figure from the Masterverse New Eternia action figure line! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can watch it embedded below! 💥Sorry all, I accidentally swapped the […]
We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new WAVE 9 Grizzlor figure from the Masterverse Princess of Power action figure line! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can watch it embedded below! We’ll see you next […]
Mattel Creations released a new backer video yesterday for their upcoming crowdfunded playset… Eternia! Alerting buyers via e-mail, what Mattel presented was almost an instructional how-to video, showing how their upcoming Eternia Playset is assembled together… or individually by its tower. Check it out: This video will certainly be useful to have when Eternia is […]
We’re back for more, this time with Masters of the Universe Origins news! If the retro line with added features and articulation was not thrilling enough for you, now add Filmation figures and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Mash-Up figures to the mix! Thanks again to our fantastic community member *redacted* (who also thrilled us […]
Now this is thrilling news Masterverse fans! Thanks to our fantastic community member *redacted* (who also works in the toy industry), he has shared with us what he has learned about the eleventh wave of our favorite Masters of the Universe action figure line… MASTERVERSE! Here are all the details he provided: According to his […]
Anyone one who has listened to our new podcast today with the terrific Masterverse artist Eamon O’Donoghue knows that we not only talked Masterverse figures, but discussed Mondo figures as well. The Mondo topic that was of particular interest, discussed not once but two separate times in the podcast, was the news that Mondo would […]