Any Masterverse Action Figure collector knows that artist Nate Baertsch has been doing an amazing job with the box art lately. Responsible for the more recent illustrations appearing on the iconic blue Masterverse packaging, this gifted talent has truly been creating some absolutely wonderful depictions of these Masters of the Universe characters, realized in 7 inch Masterverse plastic.
But interestingly enough, with the new release of the Masterverse Action Figure Beast Man from the “New Eternia” line, it wasn’t his art of Beast Man capturing the hearts of fans… but his Beast Woman, perched in a tree!
Check it out:

Well this new character that Nate Baertsch depicted garnered so much interest that Nate decided to design a new piece of art only featuring her, with the following message:
So, a few days ago, I posted the New Eternia Beastman packaging art I got to do with @its_me_roy and @mattel . And on the back illustration, I had added a number of beast-men and a Beast-Woman. Well… that Beast-Woman has really struck a chord with many, many fans. So as a “Thank you”, I stepped into the Fan Art realm again and did this quick piece for fun. If you recognize the pose, then you know the inspiration that led me to this woman in Beastman’s tribe. 😉 Again, this is just me doing fan art. This is not any kind of announcement that a figure is coming. But if you like her? Please feel free to share! I only ask that you credit if you do. Thanks for looking, have a great week!!! 😎
Nate Baertsch on Nate Baertsch Designs – ON FACEBOOK

How cool is that? Hopefully we’ll see her realized as a Masterverse figure one day!
June 14th Update:
Thanks to the keen eye of ‘Orko’s Magic Hat’, we’ve identified actress Raquel Welch in her iconic pose from the film “One Million Years B.C.” as Nate Baertsch’s inspiration for Beast Woman!

Unitl next time!