Fans of the 2021 Netflix Series “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” have been treated to a great deal of cool Revelation themed Masterverse figures over the past year. From their terrific blue window boxed packaging with lore inspired hieroglyphics to the gorgeous artwork of Eamon O’Donoghue, these collectibles have been a fantastic addition to any Revelation fan’s collection, improving wave after glorious wave.
But of course, we don’t want it to end there! So we decided to countdown our Masterverse Revelation wishlist, our Top 30 characters that we hope Mattel will realize in 7 inch plastic with over 30 points of articulation. So let’s begin!
A couple things before we start!
- Please note that He-Ro won’t appear on this list because he has already been announced as an upcoming “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” action figure! (Click HERE to read more!)
- In addition to this 30 figure wishlist, we’re going to throw in a few desired Con Exclusives just for fun!
- This list and order of importance may differ from yours, and that’s okay!
So here we go!
#30 – Masterverse Revelation Teela Na

We think young Teela Na, mother to Teela and on her way to sacrifice her motherhood role to become the new Sorceress of Grayskull would be a fun figure to have. With blue mystical bodypaint that hopefully glows-in-the-dark, yes her outfit is less than spectacular, but this figure would represent a pivotal moment in the lore…. especially when she is accompanied with:
#29 – Masterverse Revelation Young Duncan

Only thirty years old (per the Powerhouse Animation Studios Model Sheet), a young Duncan Masterverse figure would go terrific together with Teela Na, as they spend their last moments together before she enters the Pool of Power. And a great figure accessory would be a baby Teela too, with her little forehead marked with her mother’s blessing.
#28 – Masterverse Revelation Motherboard Acolyte

Motherboard needs her disciples! And how cool would it be to pose a few of these cybernetic figures around their techno-cult minister Tri-Klops! Included accessories could be arm weapons like rotary saws, metal tentacles and stabbing weapons!
#27 – Masterverse Revelation Ram Man

Who else could be shot out like a cannonball other than Ram Man? While his screen time in “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” was very brief, it certainly was memorable, especially when from the lips of Ram Man spoke the voice of actor Danny Trejo! Included with Masterverse Ram Man could be a flying disc accessory, just for He-Man!
#26 – Masterverse Revelation Clamp Champ

Fisto and Clamp Champ were one dynamic duo in “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” – until their souls were condemned to the depths of Subternia of course, but they were condemned together – so we shouldn’t have one without the other in our Masterverse Revelation figure line! Recommended accessory: a crushed Hover Robot!
#25 – Masterverse Revelation Clawful

Are you in the mood for crab legs? Well we’re in the mood for a Masterverse Revelation Clawful figure, a minion that not only gave Andra a run for her money, but was Evil-Lyn’s disguise thanks to the powerful Shaping Staff!
#24 – Masterverse Revelation Goat Man

We don’t care that when it comes to henchmen, we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel. Goat Man needs to be added to the Masterverse Revelation toyline, if anything to accompany his little buddy appearing *spoiler alert* higher up on this list!
#23 – Masterverse Revelation Blade

Another villain who made a brief appearance before being taken out by an angry Orlax! This one-eyed baddie with an affinity for sharp weapons (which debuted in the 1987 live-action film) has always been a fan favorite and would look great posed against our Masterverse mercenary Teela in battle. Recommended accessories? Sharp, stabby weapons of course!
#22 – Masterverse Revelation Blast Attak

Yes, Blast Attak has an unique explosive personality that can be a bummer to anyone in close proximity. But his pieces can always be assembled again and we found Blast Attak humorously charming and was thrilled to see him part of the techno-cult in “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” (and subsequently would like to see him materialized in Masterverse plastic as well!). Recommended accessory: Andra’s throwing star.
#21 – Masterverse Revelation Webstor

Webstor ranking higher than most of Eternia’s other baddies is strictly for selfish reasons. Being the favorite vintage toy of the founder of (AJ), is naturally why we are craving another spider-rific figure release in this blue window boxed Masterverse line. (We were very thrilled to see the character appear in “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” as well, but we sure wish Webstor actually received a line of dialogue though. What was up with that?)
Bonus Con Exclusive #1:
Masterverse Revelation Warriors Three!

Who else deserves their likeness eternalized in Masterverse Revelation plastic more than the show’s creators Rob David, Ted Biaselli and Kevin Smith. They’re the reason why this terrific series exists! Plus they helped defend Eternia alongside King Randor!
Just watch below:
Well that’s it! That’s our first ten wants from the future Masterverse Revelation figure line.
CLICK HERE to read our next countdown, the next ten from our wishlist, #20-11!
Until next time!
Great list! The Warriors Three made me chuckle…but how cool would it be?!
For me, the top 5 are:
5. Sorceress Lyn
4. “Transformation” He-Man (Glow in Dark)
3. God-Lyn
2. Prince Adam
1. Sorceress Teela
Shadow Beasts!
Shadow Beasts!
These are great. I’d love a Motherboard altar playset for those acolytes, including a transforming statue.