Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the terrific packaging for the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins HORDE TROOPER PRIME figure today!
With artwork by the very talented Francisco Etchart, the packaging looks fantastic! Check it out:


The Masters of the Universe: Origins Horde Trooper Prime will be available later this year, reportedly as a Walmart Exclusive. We’ll see you next time
I dont remember this red trooper in the cartoon. he from the comics or somethin?
Don’t think he’s from anything, he’s a new creation. But probably inspired by that red trooper that came with the Horde 4-pack Powercon Exclusive.
@cosmic Agreed. I don’t remember him in any of the cartoons.
Thanks for sharing this!
Packaging and illustrations look spectacular, and I’m very excited for the set!
I’m the new package photo it looks like the red of the figure and robot turned out more pale than expected… it’s sort of a silvery red now. I would have loved a more saturated heavy red like in the previous photos.
Let’s see how it turned out in hand…
Is that Axel’s concept figure Quick Flick on the hill with the bow and arrow?
@dzathamza the shape of bow looks like a match
Indeed it is! First Quick Flick tease! So now all of Axel’s original Snake Men characters have shown up in Origins art or are getting figures, except for Golden Rod.
I’d love to see other Axel-created characters finally show up as figures that he created during the Classics years.
One step closer to in-hand reviews and finding out for sure if that Hover Robot is a Classics repaint or if he’s been shrunk down. I’m not giving up hope, @Durendal … 😆 😆
@abaddon Were Hover Robots always the same size in the cartoons?
This figure looks great. I’m glad the Horde is getting some love between this and the Extendar mini comic.
It’s about time too, after more than a year of Snake Men overload…
Updated with additional pictures and closeups.
Quick Flick is a badass – can we get his figure already??
Stop trying to make Naga and Gorgon happen! They’re not going to happen.
Classics mold Hover Bot confirmed! Screenshot taken from this youtube vid: