The New ”Masters of the Universe” Live-Action film is officially DEAD at Netflix

We have some awful news to report. After what seemed to be a positive sign when “Masters of the Universe” live-action director Adam Nee was spotted with Netflix Executive Director Carrie Gillogly in Denmark (a rumored possible filming location for the filmClick HERE to Read More) , Variety has dropped some devastating news: The live-action Masters of the Universe film is officially dead at Netflix, per multiple sources (and confirmed by Mattel).

Insiders are saying that the movie was killed by Netflix even though they already spent somewhere between $30-60 Million dollars in development costs and securing the film’s talent.

Actor Kyle Allen was cast to play He-Man

The estimated budget for the live-action “Masters of the Universe” film originally exceeded $200 million dollars, with cameras finally set to roll this past February. But after concerns over a loss of subscribers and losing $50 billion in investor value, Netflix reportedly refused to shell out the remaining $150+ Million needed to make the film.

Courtesy of

Producers reportedly tried to compromise with Netflix and proposed a reduced budget of $180 Million to the table to get Masters of the Universe made, but Netflix wouldn’t budge.

In an additional effort to get this movie made (a rumor we reported on – now confirmed), Netflix considered the option of shooting two ā€œMasters of the Universeā€ movies, back-to-back simultaneously, to get more bang for their buck. But again, Netflix wouldn’t reportedly budge.

So now after Sony, after Netflix… Mattel is back to shopping their live-action “Masters of the Universe” film again to other studios… the latest being Universal Pictures (who reportedly already passed on the project.)

Now we’re told Mattel is hoping that their new ā€œBarbieā€ movie, projected to have a successful opening weekend, will help the live-action MOTU film appear more attractive and ultimately encourage a new buyer.

R.I.P. Netflix Masters of the Universe Live-Action Film

Will there ever be a new live-action Masters of the Universe film? Sadly, we honestly just don’t know anymore.

We’ll see you next time.


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11 thoughts on “The New ”Masters of the Universe” Live-Action film is officially DEAD at Netflix

    1. Another day. Another movie disappointment.

      Par for the course these days, it seems….
      I’m sure the suits at Netflix have watched the pattern of franchises that already have their built in fan bases stall out in recent years.Ā  The last nail in the coffin has probably been the franchises that were once guaranteed winners completely bomb at the box office in the last year or so.

      1. Another day. Another movie disappointment.

        Par for the course these days, it seems….
        I’m sure the suits at Netflix have watched the pattern of franchises that already have their built in fan bases stall out in recent years.Ā  The last nail in the coffin has probably been the franchises that were once guaranteed winners completely bomb at the box office in the last year or so.

        So you think we missed our window. I am surprised they were gonna spend 200 million on this movie anyway. That is Marvel money. An audience like that for He-Man it is not proven.

        1. @he-dad I’m not sure if we missed it or not…. The Super Mario Bros is a huge hit because it hit well on all the right cylinders.Ā  Granted MOTU may not have the fanbase Nintendo/SMB does, but if a MOTU movie had the same word of mouth that SMB did…

  1. In all honesty, I don’t know if this might seem a bit odd but…as expected. My She-Ra essay should be going live soon, and in the process of researching the history of MotU history and how it lead to the reboots, a thing you will soon find is that the live-action He-Man reboot has been created, killed, revived, killed again, revived again multiple times ever since the original 1987 Canon film was supposed to get a sequel. In fact what we can call “modern plans" for a new live-action He-Man movie go back to 2004. Almost two decades ago. It’s gone through Sony then to Warner Brothers, and it has gone through people like Jon Woo, John Stevenson, John M. Chu, Chris Yost, and David Goyer just to name a few. Ie don’t be surprised if in a year or two, the thing gets revived again and three years later, canned again.
    If it makes anybody feel better, know we still have Smith’s story alive and on the way, and that in all this writers and actors might start getting paid and treated better with how they’re out there needing fighting for their artistic rights as they should be.
    In art, anything is possible, but I think Masters of the Universe is best when it’s animated. I think whenever a dull live-action Disney remake or a bad live-action anime adaptation on Netflix comes out, there’s a reason why our minds start telling us all the stuff on screen was originally animated for a reason. The world of animation allows something like MotU to reach it’s full visual and story appeal with how the medium gives it countless advantages live-action doesn’t usually.
    Perhaps it will come out one day and it will be good, BUT, I think the best days for Masters of the Universe are all paved with hand drawn animation.

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