Any fan who has read writer Tim Seeley’s excellent six issue comic series “He-Man and the Masters of the Multiverse” remembers the climactic moment when Keldor became He-Man.

Now fans can immortalize this awesome moment on their collector shelf when the He-Skeletor Origins figure becomes available for pre-order on Aprill 11th at Mattel Creations!

Now while we wish He-Skeletor had his iconic white streaks in his hair as well as a bone cross on his armor, we’re still excited this excellent moment in Motu comic history will be realized in 5.5 inch plastic.

Here are the details:

The 2020 Masters of the Multiverse comic introduced the concept of multiple different Eternias. On Anti-Eternia, He-Man is evil, and Prince Keldor never becomes Skeletor. Keldor is recruited by different multi-versions of He-Man to claim the Power of Grayskull, become He-Skeletor, and save every Eternia in the Multiverse. This exclusive figure brings him to life in true MOTU Origins style.
- Masters of the Universe™ Origins He-Skeletor™ Action Figure
- First-ever figure of this character
- Comes with his power sword, axe, and a shield
- 16+ points of articulation in 5.5 inches scale
- Includes mini comic that shows his origins
- Comes in premium MOTU Origins packaging

He-Skeletor will be available for pre-order this Tuesday, April 11th 9:00am PST through Mattel Creations. CLICK HERE for more information. (We are not affiliated with Mattel Creations nor makes money off this link.)
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But…….all MOTU lines were ending in April. How can this be!?! /s
Not entirely sure if I’m going to get this one or not yet. I wish it had something new to it other than being a straight recolor
This. I’m sorry but this is a lazy figure. With all the money saved on tooling they could have changed that armor marking to bones and give the hair white paint. The comic character is top notch but this figure is half assed.
@he-dad I am pleased Mattel hasn’t pulled such nonsense with Masterverse.
@he-dad PREACH
I’ll probably pick this guy up. I still haven’t opened Frog Monger…. Stupid adulting, lol.
@griff You a mint in box guy bro or just haven’t gotten around to it?
I’m definitely not an MOC collector. I just haven’t had the time…. and I’ve got a couple of Masterverse figures and a couple DC McFarlane figures on the way. It’s not a bad problem to have 😁
Which DC figs? Looking at your profile image is Batman your number one fandom bro?
@he-dad I mostly stick to Batman figures from McFarlane (and DC Direct back in the day) with the occasional Superman, Robin, etc thrown in. I did the same with DC Universe Classics, but branched out into some main JL members and their main villains.
Oh, if it weren’t for space and money restraints….
I used to have a very strict rule NOT to buy anything other then multiple possing 1:18 scale figures. Like when G.I.Joe was big around that time. I was a member of their club. Was getting a guarenteed rare figure every year. I think I have every single G.I.joe 1:18 figure. Mind you those are not the 80’s toys. This is when the movie came out so the figures were a bit better made. But I was strict on my 1:18 scale. It wasn’t until just maybe a month or two ago that I ran accross these new He-Man figures. I’ve been in the dark. Don’t even recall seeing any of the Club figures in the stores so I had no idea they existed. But I took a chance and didn’t listen to what anyone had to say about Kevin Smith’s version of Masters of the Universe. I’m glad I didn’t listen to the haters because I seriously have seen it over 20 times now. I’m right on the point of thinking I should just bag all my Star Wars, Gijoe.. Boss Fight… Chicken fried toys… Holy how there are a lot of them.
Some might get a sick feeling hearing this but I’m not a keep it in the package guy. If I like the figure, I’m going to open it up, pose it a few times, make them punch another figure, maybe kick and bite too as well as the occational gun battles. Why not enjoy it unless your thinking you want to later on just sell it. And hey! I know that feeling too. But if I think about this here and now, my guess is that in about five years they will be at least what I paid for it even if it’s out of the packaging. Classics are being sold on Ebay for almost $200! Yeah there is always that chance they might end up worth bubkiss but history tends to repeat itself. With what I can, I’ve tried to buy mulitples of the ones I see being worth a LOT. Then I’ll buy two of them, maybe even three and at least open one and enjoy it. With how messed up this world is these days, I’m struggling to find any joy. So on days where I am really hurting thats when I pop to opening up a figure and enjoying it.
With that being said. I don’t know why but I’m always happy to see when it’s a 5.5″ He-Man figure because then I can stick to my new rule. So there won’t be any He-Skeletor on my end of Eternia.
I’m sure it gets even easier bro to stay away when it’s just a repackaged repaint.
Okay guys, despite He-Skeletor essentially being He-Man repaint, I gotta say that I am still going to grab him! What can I say, those DC MOTU comics were a big part of my life all throughout my middle school years and well into high school – I love them!
and to see them getting representation in one of the main toylines is a huge win for the teen in me! lol
I wonder if Mattel will take a chance with any other obscure/comic book MOTU characters in the future.
Many Latin American fans have been dreaming of a “Shezar" action figure since the Classics days.
For those of you who don’t know, Shezar is a sea-witch/evil warrior goddess, an original character created for the Brazilian He-Man comic books back in the 80’s. I’m of Brazilian decent (on my dad’s side) and I can speak ((a decent amount of)) Brazilian Portuguese, so I actually watched/read a LOT of Brazilian He-Man material throughout my life.
@adoralovely you can still get them? I thought all the he-skeletors were all sold out?
@skeledog What He-Dad said, Dog ♡
eBay is the only way 🥲 lol
Luckily, the scalpers haven’t been so bad with He-Skeletor figures, I got mine for about $60-ish but I have never seen him go for more that $80.
more than 80?????
@SkeleDog It’s sold out bro. You gotta ebay it now.
I never heard of Shezar! Do you have a pic? When I googled her a singer came up.
@he-dad I got you, He-Dad :3
Here is a link to one of the Brazilian comics with Shezar (fully translated to English ♡)
and yeah, for a character with a moderately sizable Latino fan base, Shezar is still quite obscure 😅
I will have to get to work on creating a page for her on the Wiki Grayskull lol
I like the colors, but disappointing they didn’t make more unique features. Still confused on why they went with this one and not another figure, there has been quite a few He Man’s and Skeletors so far and still lots of figures I’m waiting for. I know it’s just my opinion, but I like variety over variants