We have a new unboxing video to show you!
This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new deluxe Dark-Lyn of the Masters of the Universe: Revelation Masterverse action figure line!
You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can watch it embedded below!
We’ll see you next time!
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Great! It’s been a while since you did one of these!
That’s because there was no new figures to unbox! 🙂
Thank you for confirming the standing issue. I just ordered more clear acrylic stands, for her and for a custom Sorceress Teela I made. Figured flying Dark Lyn with the feet pointed down will look dope with those gold gems on the top of feet.
The packaging came in with the diorama dented, but the crown was fully glued and is not loose on mine.
link to stands: https://www.ebay.com/itm/334727513304?hash=item4def5084d8:g:a6AAAOSwELZj2rcK&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA4EOe9EBaJm3XmNc5Ho93jru%2BoXGeSX0OeOEXGLFVnunxQgQ1uvD%2FnI1Oqv%2FcGGEShiQfiZcSihxdYa%2BaRxUSFUQCiuU13cyfGUhdmX5ESaSVzV9DBay80BUz%2FA9xYJG4v3v8a86Tpx6mqY%2F8XuOBrnA53YCphKMbqnojxTho1oGuEyEWPDf7QVGudgNRSIezOxOpDdHj1lOhzYjkxRx2LSYOwuf4EtjGkAlLnFfHb6%2Fmza9i%2BMEQeKZeBre7H0NS3RV9m81bzaSk9QTzGyowdTiyXAynjV883Y2mGopuubQo%7Ctkp%3ABFBMqp7C6Oph
You’re very welcome! But I hear some people are getting their figures to stand so I guess it’s the luck of the draw. Sorry to hear about your diorama but it’s very cool to hear your crown was fully glued! 🙂👍 It’s no fun pulling out that glue first thing!
Thanks for posting a link to those support stands. I’m going to get one myself.
And I would love to see your custom Sorceress Teela if you ever feel like sharing!
Custom Sorceress Teela referenced in my post :
@christophno Not bad bro!
@christophno very cool, good job!
@christophno LOVE IT! 😀
Good stuff, all. I may have to pick up a Dark Lyn figure on the secondary market.