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The Captain of the Royal Guard is in England! While some may believe we are referring to the King's Guard that secures Buckingham Palace from unlawful entry, Masters of the Universe fans know that we are actually referring to Teela of Eternia, the Captain of the Guards of Eternos! And the very actress cast to play the red headed warrior (Camila Mendes) has now been spotted in a pub in the United Kingdom where filming for the new "Masters of the Universe" movie will reportedly start soon. Visiting the The Knight of Notting Hill pub on Ladbroke Grove in London,…
We have the Power!
I honestly don’t understand the people who think that she’s a bad casting for Teela. I would be outraged if they completely changed her and hired a black actress for example, but don’t see any issues in using a Latina rather than a white actress, in this case especially. From the first announcement I believed she has the perfect face and physique for the role. Even her damn eyebrows are precisely Teela’s from Filmation! And even before she got her hair dyed I knew it would look even more the character.
She will rock it- just have a proper styled costume for her and it shall be golden.
Nice catch calling out the Filmation eyebrows mate. I hadn't noticed that until you pointed it out. I agree Cassandra will make a fine Teela. Dare I say she is more suited for the Teela role than Alison Brie is for Lynn.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
Oh my what a choice! Picking between Santa Bond and Joey from Friends, what is a single girl to do? 😆
Oh my what a choice! Picking between Santa Bond and Joey from Friends, what is a single girl to do? 😆