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Beast Man. Stratos. Mer-Man. The world of Eternia has always contained an array of visually stunning humanoid beings among its cornucopia of strange beasts and monsters. These humanoid creatures are not human of course, but contain similar humanoid characteristics that resemble those of a human... such as two eyes, two arms and walking upright on two legs. To bring these humanoid creatures to life in a new live-action "Masters of the Universe" Movie, it can definitely be accomplished with practical effects (versus digitally) if the right creative talent is in place. Fortunately, it seems the word of Eternia has acquired…
We have the Power!
@asterstar Do you remember the Red Skull before they had computers? It looked very bad.
It won't be nearly as practical as I'd want it to be, but! It very well could be practical enough to make key things Skelly...who is NOT going to be that joker dude...I put my foot down. Not him
@asterstar Do you remember the Red Skull before they had computers? It looked very bad.
You said it. At least with Skeletor they tried to make it look like his nose was missing.
It won't be nearly as practical as I'd want it to be, but! It very well could be practical enough to make key things Skelly...who is NOT going to be that joker dude...I put my foot down. Not him
Has either he or Cohen confirmed being in it? I mean I'm not too worried he could pull it off but personally I think SB Cohen would be the better choice.
Negative. Nothing is confirmed.
I can get behind SBC, he will have amazing delivery.
Leto might be able to pull the look off, but I don't have confidence in the delivery.
Though, we don't even know what version of skeletor they are going for...
@mungosmungo8694 Everybody immediately thinks Borat but I have been watching Cohen in this new show called Disclaimer and he can really act.
This man has an amazing pedigree. He even worked on the Potter movies.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
@asterstar Do you remember the Red Skull before they had computers? It looked very bad.
You said it. At least with Skeletor they tried to make it look like his nose was missing.