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Hey Guys! Just wanted to introduce myself real quick. I have been a big fan of MOTU since childhood with the original toyline, but started collecting seriously with the 200x toyline and have collected every MOTU toy line since- 200X, Classics, Club Grayskull, Origins and Masterverse, along with the Mondo figures and the Tweeterhead/Sideshow statues.
I am also a toy reseller in my spare time, so I have some connections to Mattel and various distributors, so I occasionally get some juicy info to share with everyone!
Hey Guys! Just wanted to introduce myself real quick. I have been a big fan of MOTU since childhood with the original toyline, but started collecting seriously with the 200x toyline and have collected every MOTU toy line since- 200X, Classics, Club Grayskull, Origins and Masterverse, along with the Mondo figures and the Tweeterhead/Sideshow statues.
I am also a toy reseller in my spare time, so I have some connections to Mattel and various distributors, so I occasionally get some juicy info to share with everyone!
I don't know anout anyone else but I do love me some juicy info. 😆 Do you collect those 200x mini statues too?
Hey Guys! Just wanted to introduce myself real quick. I have been a big fan of MOTU since childhood with the original toyline, but started collecting seriously with the 200x toyline and have collected every MOTU toy line since- 200X, Classics, Club Grayskull, Origins and Masterverse, along with the Mondo figures and the Tweeterhead/Sideshow statues.
I am also a toy reseller in my spare time, so I have some connections to Mattel and various distributors, so I occasionally get some juicy info to share with everyone!
Welcome to the community!!!
Wow! Your collection sounds fantastic. I would love to see some pics if you ever feel inclined to share them.
Regarding being a reseller, do you have an online storefront somewhere that we can check out?
We have the Power!
Hey Guys! Just wanted to introduce myself real quick. I have been a big fan of MOTU since childhood with the original toyline, but started collecting seriously with the 200x toyline and have collected every MOTU toy line since- 200X, Classics, Club Grayskull, Origins and Masterverse, along with the Mondo figures and the Tweeterhead/Sideshow statues.
I am also a toy reseller in my spare time, so I have some connections to Mattel and various distributors, so I occasionally get some juicy info to share with everyone!
I don't know anout anyone else but I do love me some juicy info. 😆 Do you collect those 200x mini statues too?
You're talking about the Neca Stactions @He-Dad ? Yeah some of them go for hundreds of dollars!
We have the Power!
Welcome brother, we are all about juicy information. Do you deal in any of the older PCS statues. I have all the Twetterhead pieces and all but two of the PCS pieces?
@he-dad Do you mean the NECA stactions? I had a few of them but I never got them all... ended up selling most of them a few years ago. Only have the Hordak staction left.
Welcome to the community!!!
Wow! Your collection sounds fantastic. I would love to see some pics if you ever feel inclined to share them.
Regarding being a reseller, do you have an online storefront somewhere that we can check out?
My Toy room is currently being renovated, so the only things I have up are my MOTU Classics collection and it is hard to get a good pic.
Typically I do conventions in the Northeast, but I am currently in the process of setting up an eBay store. Once I get everything running I will let you know!
You have anything planned in western NC in the near future?
I've attached a picture of the entire Pop Culture Shock MOTU collection. I've managed to find everything but the individual Sorceress and He-man pieces. It is the 2nd piece on the 1st and 2nd row.
You have anything planned in western NC in the near future?
Nothing currently planned, sorry.
Looking at your origin's pic. Is that wave 10 I see on US cards and, if so, would you be willing to sale a set over the forum?
I've attached a picture of the entire Pop Culture Shock MOTU collection. I've managed to find everything but the individual Sorceress and He-man pieces. It is the 2nd piece on the 1st and 2nd row.
I unfortunately don't deal in the MOTU statues (I collect some of them). I would love to because they go up in value so well, but selling items that are $500 and up is very difficult.
Looking at your origin's pic. Is that wave 10 I see on US cards and, if so, would you be willing to sale a set over the forum?
Unfortunately, they are INTL cards. Mattel really screwed the pooch for the last few waves when it comes to the US cards. I do have some more on order due this month, and if they are US cards (I have been told they are) I will send you a PM.
I appreciate it brother. I'm not a MOC collector and if I could get just one on the US card that would work great. I would take the INTL cards for the rest. I just want to get my hands on one that has the proper mini-comic with dialogue. I've read that the INTL cards only have the art with no dialogue.
@sshook27 I totally get it. The wordless minicomics are annoying. All my Wave 11 figures are INTL too...
And finally, the booth-
(No way to add multiple pics to a post?)
Hmm, no multiple pics option, not without hosting images on another site and posting them via multiple IMG tags, sorry! But I'll put it on the look-into-list and see what I can do!
These pics are great! I love that you do conventions. I know it's work, but it seems like so much fun. Yeah, definitely spread the word when you have that ebay storefront up. Thanks for sharing these! 🍻
We have the Power!
Nice setup bro!