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It is most likely the character is Kotal and He-man is a skin for that character.
All Masterverse waves are always 4 characters.
@catra He has been crying wolf for years in regards to them losing the rights. Mattel has refuted it for years. I will trust Mattel over him anyday...
@skeleDOG Oh he said the line was dead and these were "death rattles"
Nice to see my connections are more reliable than a certain former brand manager's connections! 🤣
@sshook27 I totally get it. The wordless minicomics are annoying. All my Wave 11 figures are INTL too...
Unfortunately, they are INTL cards. Mattel really screwed the pooch for the last few waves when it comes to the US cards. I do have some more on order...
I unfortunately don't deal in the MOTU statues (I collect some of them). I would love to because they go up in value so well, but selling items that a...
Nothing currently planned, sorry. IMG_1226.jpeg
And finally, the booth- (No way to add multiple pics to a post?) Immortal-Booth.png
Misc. MOTU- IMG_1226.jpeg
Masterverse- IMG_1227.jpeg
Here are some pics from a recent show- Origins- IMG_1228.jpeg
My Toy room is currently being renovated, so the only things I have up are my MOTU Classics collection and it is hard to get a good pic. Typical...
@he-dad Do you mean the NECA stactions? I had a few of them but I never got them all... ended up selling most of them a few years ago. Only have the H...
Hey @talonfighter, I just got word from Mattel that the Deluxe Duncan figure is going to be a Target exclusive with preorders coming "soon". Not su...
Yeah, Two Bad is currently a Target exclusive. I actually just found him at my local Target today (They actually had the whole new wave too). That sai...
Unfortunately, I have seen nothing on Duncan. There aren't even any distributor calls for him, making me wonder if he is also a timed retailer exclusi...
The release breakdown for these figures is follows (calls have gone out for distributors) Wave 9- June/July 2023 release - Mer-man (Revelations fl...