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Your ideal MotU / He-Man / She-Ra video game?

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I'm not sure who owns the rights to make He-Man / She-Ra video games, so no idea what is / isn't possible these days. So, let's just talk about what we want to see.

In terms of a He-Man / She-Ra video game, I'd like to see something that offers the opportunity to play as many characters as possible (both heroes and villains). As for which incarnations, I'd like to see the latest versions alongside the original 80s.

1) A Musou / Warriors game. Think Hyrule Warriors (similar to its celebration of the many incarnations of Legend of Zelda), but with some other unique mechanics thrown in.

2) A fighter. Possibly along the lines of MvC or KoF. Or even Smash Bros. It can be done.

3) A MOBA, along the lines of something like Smite.

4) Stylish action game. Think Bayonetta, or better yet, Transformers: Devastation (if Platinum Games can give us one of the best Transformers video games ever, just think what they could do with MotU).

5) Something open world. Like Breath of the Wild or Genshin Impact.

So, what sort of modern current-gen / next-gen game would you like to see for He-Man and / or She-Ra. Which incarnations do you want represented?

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I would like to see an open-world RPG based on the CGI show. Picture it, you get to create your own character, your own Master, or perhaps even Dark Master whether to start off with or perhaps there can be a morality system like what BioWare likes to do. I would definitely set it after Season 3, and sometime before or during Season 4. (I know it's not out yet, but based on Rob David's notes, they're doing a B-Team with the Masters anyway.) 

 Your character obviously has a specialization. He-Man would probably be mostly the Tank with some DPS and AoE. Sorceress is the nuke and support, Man-At-Arms would kind of be the jack of all trades, Rammy, is defiantly DPS, and Battle Cat I haven't decided yet. 

 Anyway, you can also customize your Power Weapon, and what your powers will be as well as what role you'll play whether DPS, Tank, etc., etc. You explore and interact with the world of Eternia and discover ancient secrets and mysteries beyond the Three Kingdoms of Eternos, Avion, and what's left of Leviathan. This is about all I can think of on the top of my head. What do you guys think

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How about a game that kinda plays like the super Robot Wars games? You have a multiverse crossover war where the heroes and villains all join up as a team. Would give us hilarious interactions with 80s She-ra meeting 2018 She-ra the new Catra would work together temporarily, mainly these games just has a crossover and the stories mostly plays out the way they did however sometimes unexpected twists happens. Maybe a villain who originally did not turn good turns good? These games are often hilarious fanfic. I would love that so much just to get 80s She-ra freaking out over how 2018 She-ra got a thing for Catra! 😂 Or 80s He-Man being very very dissatisfied with new He-man over stabbing Skeletor! 😇 Or maybe the Skeletors makes up some hilarious stupid plot to merge into a gaint Skeletor to crush He-man! 😱


Masterverse wishlist:
Catra 2018 (season 4)
He-Man 2002 (Snake Armor)
King Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 2002
She-Ra 2018 (season 5)
Skeletor 2002

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@catra I have a feeling with the Skeletors, that be the plan at first, it would end up fizzling out and then they try killing each other to decide who gets to go after He-Man.

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@catra that could work.

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@deltavax I like that idea. Now I would like to addon to that idea.

Mattel makes toys, right? So why not make a system like Skylanders, Disney Infinity and Amiibo? Mattel now can make toys that that now also have unlocks in said video games.

So now it is a matter of Mattel commissioning a independent sstudio that can do a Disney Infinity open world game based on the CGI H&MotU series and even the Dreamworks She-ra and the older shows.The gameplay would revolve around exploration and just fun fighting bad guys in a 3rd person open world with friends. You could also create another game for more teen and adult crowd that would be a Musou / Warriors game, were each figure is labeled to a certain combat maps / historical battles that revolve around said character. Obviously you could have PvE and PvP based on factions that people play.

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@wundar not a bad idea, so long as the game can be played offline. People are still upset about the Disney Infinity servers going down.

After seeing the latest Mario Bros movie trailer, is it wrong that I now want a MotU kart racer?

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@costume-n00b If these games could be played online and I was the owner of the studio making said games. I would build the games to be Client / server and people would connect to said player who is hosting. By doing this for PC and game consoles it gives longevity to the games. The minis would also have the longevity for collecting purpose.

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@wundar I like that idea Wundar, but the Toys to Life Gaming is kind of dead. Disney Infinity crashed and burned, I don't know what happened to Skylanders despite its success, so I'm not sure if Mattel would want to take the risk.

Wun-Dar reacted
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@deltavax Disney's issue was that they did too much to fast. They focused solely on the kid market for Disney Infinity and pumped out way too many figures in the span of a year. They couldn't make the sales because they were expecting kids to buy everything. As for Skylanders, Disney blew Activision out of the market. If Mattel were to invest in this it would need to be well timed and made for everyone. Collectors and players. So that would mean waves and exclusive contest and say Powercon and Comicon exclusives.

There is always risk when bringing any product to market. It all comes down to how the product is managed.

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That is true. If they were smart, they could revitalize the market.

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It's true. The only real thing that is still being sold today are Nintendo's Amiibos (I collect them). 

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@costume-n00b See Nintendo is smart with how they release every new wave. If you look at the secondary market for the rares, they are insane. Especially if they did waves of say Netflix's "H&MotU" and say Dreamworks "She-ra" I think it might sell well enough with kids and the teens that enjoyed those series. Or better yet release a figure from both shows in each wave. That way there would be something in each wave that everyone would want.

  • The scanner plate should be able to support 4 characters + (Game Map Area / Arena's) + Special Abilities.
  • Every Character would have a special ability plate.
  • The Masterverse or Origins figures  (whatever one they need sales in) could now include a Gamemap / Arena disk.
  • Characters Like He-man, Skeletor and a few others that have many different versions. Each model will act the same as the basic character. The only thing different obviously would be the look and any voice acting from said cast who played that character.

Now the types of games will matter alot for people to play with. I think the Muosu game should be again for the older crowd. What would be good with that game is side objectives based on character faction. The base game will have a few famous battlefields across Eternia and Etheria. But the real cool maps should be on the Map disks that come with the toys. Outside of that here are a list of potential games that the figures would work with. Now All these games would need to be purchased separately if a Game Studio outside of Mattel were to make all these. I would suggest developing the game for the SteamOS first as if it works there it will work everywhere (I know because I am a Linux user and hobbiest programmer). This means if people have a Steam Deck or a (AMD based (For Now)) Mini PC with SteamOS installed on it. They will have a living room experience similar to a console system. This is a cheaper setup to develop for rather than having to spend Thousands of dollars on SDK's for consoles.

  •  A Mario party like digital board game with a series of mini games.
  • A Disney Infinity open world sandbox, certain maps will have certain objectives and or fights or mini games.
  • A Looter RPG using the Muosu combat system but would be more open on exploration and boss fights. IE: If you play any of the minions of Havok you would fight People like He-man , Sorceress, King Hiss, General Rattlor, Hordak, Horde Prime... etc. The NG+ would be harder difficulty and rarer items.
  • I guess a racing game.

Now I would need to go over the details of each game and functionality properly in a design documentation. But I really believe this this could work for Mattel. Not just for both Motu and PoP franchises. This could work for Barbie and Monster High and whatever else they want to use from their IP's.

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@wundar you really gave this some series thought. Have you considered running the idea past Mattel?

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@costume-n00b I am a nobody. Besides I wouldn't even know who to talk to about this or if they would even listen. I think it would have to be up to the fan base to see if this idea would be worth buying. Regardless, I would love to see this come to life.

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Posted by: @wundar

@costume-n00b I am a nobody. Besides I wouldn't even know who to talk to about this or if they would even listen. I think it would have to be up to the fan base to see if this idea would be worth buying. Regardless, I would love to see this come to life.

Fair enough. Still, might be worth tossing the idea around a few of the message boards, and see who's interested. 


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Posted by: @costume-n00b

@wundar you really gave this some series thought. Have you considered running the idea past Mattel?

Maybe Rob David would listen. He seems like a nice dude.



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Posted by: @wundar

@costume-n00b See Nintendo is smart with how they release every new wave. If you look at the secondary market for the rares, they are insane. Especially if they did waves of say Netflix's "H&MotU" and say Dreamworks "She-ra" I think it might sell well enough with kids and the teens that enjoyed those series. Or better yet release a figure from both shows in each wave. That way there would be something in each wave that everyone would want.

  • The scanner plate should be able to support 4 characters + (Game Map Area / Arena's) + Special Abilities.
  • Every Character would have a special ability plate.
  • The Masterverse or Origins figures  (whatever one they need sales in) could now include a Gamemap / Arena disk.
  • Characters Like He-man, Skeletor and a few others that have many different versions. Each model will act the same as the basic character. The only thing different obviously would be the look and any voice acting from said cast who played that character.

Now the types of games will matter alot for people to play with. I think the Muosu game should be again for the older crowd. What would be good with that game is side objectives based on character faction. The base game will have a few famous battlefields across Eternia and Etheria. But the real cool maps should be on the Map disks that come with the toys. Outside of that here are a list of potential games that the figures would work with. Now All these games would need to be purchased separately if a Game Studio outside of Mattel were to make all these. I would suggest developing the game for the SteamOS first as if it works there it will work everywhere (I know because I am a Linux user and hobbiest programmer). This means if people have a Steam Deck or a (AMD based (For Now)) Mini PC with SteamOS installed on it. They will have a living room experience similar to a console system. This is a cheaper setup to develop for rather than having to spend Thousands of dollars on SDK's for consoles.

  •  A Mario party like digital board game with a series of mini games.
  • A Disney Infinity open world sandbox, certain maps will have certain objectives and or fights or mini games.
  • A Looter RPG using the Muosu combat system but would be more open on exploration and boss fights. IE: If you play any of the minions of Havok you would fight People like He-man , Sorceress, King Hiss, General Rattlor, Hordak, Horde Prime... etc. The NG+ would be harder difficulty and rarer items.
  • I guess a racing game.

Now I would need to go over the details of each game and functionality properly in a design documentation. But I really believe this this could work for Mattel. Not just for both Motu and PoP franchises. This could work for Barbie and Monster High and whatever else they want to use from their IP's.

You said you are a hobbiest programmer. Have you ever thought of making a fan motu game? That is the easiest way to be noticed by Mattel if people love it. That kinda stuff has happened before where fan jobs have turned into pro jobs.



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@he-dad Why not. I have nothing but time, now that I am retired from the military.

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Posted by: @wundar

@he-dad Why not. I have nothing but time, now that I am retired from the military.

Congratulations on your retirement. If you're serious that is amazing. Everyone is desperate for a motu game even an unauthorized motu game. I am sure @admin would promote it too!



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Posted by: @he-dad

Posted by: @wundar

@he-dad Why not. I have nothing but time, now that I am retired from the military.

Congratulations on your retirement. If you're serious that is amazing. Everyone is desperate for a motu game even an unauthorized motu game. I am sure @admin would promote it too!


I second this. I'm currently in a 3D art and animation course, but I still got about 3 - 6 months before I graduate. Then I gotta hunt for a new job (stocking shelves sucks). I can't do much now, but I might be able to help later.


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Posted by: @wundar

@he-dad Why not. I have nothing but time, now that I am retired from the military.


First, thank you for your service.

And second, if you and @costume-n00b do this, we can definitely permanently promote it here. From progress reports to something permanent on the main page when it's done! It would be awesome! 🙂


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@admin @costume-n00b @he-dad Thanks,For clarification sakes. I was medically retired from the military it was not really my choice in the matter. 

The main subject. I need to organize myself and put all the ideas down in documentation for organizational purpose. I had thought about building a open source game engine specifically around the idea of of scanning RFID items and make different classes for namely : Characters, Abilities and Maps. By doing that and making a prototype of a Motu game I think it should be enough build a community around. That way Groups can organize and have specific projects like say making certain play styles, game modes, etc. When I finish the documentation Ill upload it here for everyone to go over.

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Posted by: @costume-n00b

Posted by: @he-dad

Posted by: @wundar

@he-dad Why not. I have nothing but time, now that I am retired from the military.

Congratulations on your retirement. If you're serious that is amazing. Everyone is desperate for a motu game even an unauthorized motu game. I am sure @admin would promote it too!


I second this. I'm currently in a 3D art and animation course, but I still got about 3 - 6 months before I graduate. Then I gotta hunt for a new job (stocking shelves sucks). I can't do much now, but I might be able to help later.


With 3D art and animation under your belt, what's your dream job?


We have the Power!

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Posted by: @admin

Posted by: @costume-n00b

Posted by: @he-dad

Posted by: @wundar

@he-dad Why not. I have nothing but time, now that I am retired from the military.

Congratulations on your retirement. If you're serious that is amazing. Everyone is desperate for a motu game even an unauthorized motu game. I am sure @admin would promote it too!


I second this. I'm currently in a 3D art and animation course, but I still got about 3 - 6 months before I graduate. Then I gotta hunt for a new job (stocking shelves sucks). I can't do much now, but I might be able to help later.


With 3D art and animation under your belt, what's your dream job?


Hopefully doing modelling or animation for a game or film studio. I'm still exploring my options. Especially since there are no real animation jobs (or even an animation community, for that matter) where I live.


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