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Long live Masterverse! Yes, our favorite Masters of the Universe collectible action figure line is still going strong, now with a few more figures to announce! Hot on the heels of our earlier reporting that new Masterverse figures Grizzlor, Ram Man, Mer-Man, Buzz-Off, Faker and Whiplash are coming (that article can be found HERE) as…
We have the Power!
Clawful is a deluxe????? Wowzers!!!
Anyone who was betting Masterverse was canceled is screaming in their pillow about now.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
The release breakdown for these figures is follows (calls have gone out for distributors)
Wave 9- June/July 2023 release
- Mer-man (Revelations flashback)
- Grizzlor (POP)
- Faker (New Eternia)
- Buzz Off (New Eternia)
Wave 10- September/October 2023 release
- Clamp Champ (Revelations)
- Horde Skeletor (Revelations)
- Prince Adam (Revelations)
- Webstor (New Eternia)
Deluxe Figures
Two Bad (New Eternia)- April 2023 (general release, currently Target exclusive)
Whiplash (New Eternia)- April 2023 (potentially timed exclusive)
Clawful (New Eternia)- October 2023
Ram Man (New Eternia)- October 2023
Unfortunately, I have seen nothing on Duncan. There aren't even any distributor calls for him, making me wonder if he is also a timed retailer exclusive.
The release breakdown for these figures is follows (calls have gone out for distributors)
Wave 9- June/July 2023 release
- Mer-man (Revelations flashback)
- Grizzlor (POP)
- Faker (New Eternia)
- Buzz Off (New Eternia)Wave 10- September/October 2023 release
- Clamp Champ (Revelations)
- Horde Skeletor (Revelations)
- Prince Adam (Revelations)
- Webstor (New Eternia)Deluxe Figures
Two Bad (New Eternia)- April 2023 (general release, currently Target exclusive)
Whiplash (New Eternia)- April 2023 (potentially timed exclusive)
Clawful (New Eternia)- October 2023
Ram Man (New Eternia)- October 2023
Thanks for sharing this Zexis! 🙂
We have the Power!
Ooooooo! October for Ram-Man! I sure hope I'm not broke and on the streets by then. That would have been the FIRST figure I bought. Would rather see them push him then someone like "Webstor". Not saying I don't like Webstor, and he will be included but I pulled the head off of an orgions figure and made my own Webstor so maybe I'll just wait till he goes on clearance like "Two-Bad" is heading for.
The collecting game is all about patience or making your own. You can fork out $90+ for the sorceress now, but I'm sure we will be seeing that price drop come March. People just hurry and buy up the newest figures as soon as they can in hopes of doubling the price on Ebay. Just try and HOLD ON! I'm not trying to destroy anyones business but thats how the game will be played. Now... With situations like this new Evil-Lynn coming out. I GUARENTEE YOU they are doing that as a marketing stratagy. Not that many people were crazy about that figure but they will be here bright and early just to BUY their 3 status only to turn around and toss it on Ebay for double or tripple what it's worth. Smart on their part but kind of a jerk move. If I could I would seriously buy three of them, keep one to myself and offer the other two to someone who really wants one. Problem is, YOU CAN'T TRUST anyone online. If I did tha move I'd probably have a bunch of Ebay sellers bothering me with sap stories in an attempt to win me over just to turn around and sell em.
I'm a nice guy but not that nice!
And remember,
@zexisstryfe A Target exclusive? But not everyone has a Target near them so it is not very fair.
@zexisstryfe A Target exclusive? But not everyone has a Target near them so it is not very fair.
Yeah, Two Bad is currently a Target exclusive. I actually just found him at my local Target today (They actually had the whole new wave too). That said, in the Spring he is being made available to everyone, very similar to how New Eternia Beast Man was last year.
Hey @talonfighter,
I just got word from Mattel that the Deluxe Duncan figure is going to be a Target exclusive with preorders coming "soon". Not sure if it is a timed exclusive.