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From time to time we have seen some general problems with Masterverse figure releases and its packaging. From misspellings and grammatical errors in the bios, to incorrect or missing colors in soft goods or paint applications, some have been corrected before or during manufacturing, and some have not, but we still love every single one…
We have the Power!
These perspectives are wildly intriguing. It is amazing how they zeroed on these things while I noticed neither.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
I hadn't noticed any of this (except for her lack of clothes). I did notice when the figure for Evil Lyn as the Sorceress came out and it was basically her in lingerie. I probably won't be adding either to my collection. They don't offend me or anything, but our daughter is still little and I don't really want to explain Evil Lyn in her underwear, lol.
So did anyone look up The Little Mermaid one? There is no mistaking that one. 😆Â
So did anyone look up The Little Mermaid one? There is no mistaking that one. 😆Â
I believe the story the artist gave is he drew it in the wee hours of the morning and didn't realize what it was resembling. That's his story and he's sticking to it. 😄
We have the Power!