From time to time we have seen some general problems with Masterverse figure releases and its packaging. From misspellings and grammatical errors in the bios, to incorrect or missing colors in soft goods or paint applications, some have been corrected before or during manufacturing, and some have not, but we still love every single one of these figures!

Now, thanks to the best fan community in the world, two more issues have been identified to us, this time surrounding the upcoming Masterverse Dark-Lyn figure release. But this time, these issues were being pointed out to us less as problems and more as concerns with the figure itself and its packaging (with the latter being ADULT in nature, so reader discretion is advised.)
Let’s tackle them one at a time:

One eagle-eye fan in our community let us know that in this photo of Dark-Lyn on the Mattel Creations website, they spotted two objects under her feet, that almost appear like a soft clay-like substance or Fun-Tak… the stuff that people use to hang up posters safely on the walls without destroying them.

Now while perhaps just a display technique in toy photography to hold a figure in place, the concern went further to surmise that (when looking at the construction of the ankles and feet) could this Dark-Lyn actually have difficulty standing?

It is something we never considered before, and perhaps makes it interesting that Dark-Lyn’s feet is hidden in the below promotional picture:

So will the Masterverse Dark-Lyn have trouble standing? We don’t know, but we are going to give Dark-Lyn the benefit of the doubt here and assume that she stands fine (but it will be something we continue to keep our eye on for sure!)
COMMUNITY CONCERN #2 * ADULT – Reader Discretion is advised *
Another great community member (who happens to be a parent) messaged us with this second concern, this time about the Masterverse Dark-Lyn packaging artwork:

The concern expressed to us was this artwork of Dark-Lyn contained imagery of a certain part of human anatomy, that was front and center in this artwork. Now we are not going to use arrows this time, but just zoom in and see if you can locate what this fan is talking about.

So… we know there is a long, long history of cartoonists, animators and artists that have either intentionally (or unintentionally) hid images of anatomy like this in drawn art as a silly gag. Just look up similar scandals like Disney’s The Little Mermaid home video poster, or the animated series Maya the Bee scandal.

But that is not this. What we do know is this was modeled after older, previous artwork which can be seen via the Powerhouse animation model used in 2021’s “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” series:

It might not be as pronounced, but it is still our strong, strong belief that there was no intent here and its just the design of the costume, and we’re hoping a lot of fans don’t end up having the same problem that one definitely concerned parent is having. I guess we’ll see.
So will these concerns become bigger controversial issues? We sure hope not, but we want to thank these awesome fans who shared these concerns with us!
We’ll see you next time!
* The above article is also available on YouTube: HERE.
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These perspectives are wildly intriguing. It is amazing how they zeroed on these things while I noticed neither.
I hadn’t noticed any of this (except for her lack of clothes). I did notice when the figure for Evil Lyn as the Sorceress came out and it was basically her in lingerie. I probably won’t be adding either to my collection. They don’t offend me or anything, but our daughter is still little and I don’t really want to explain Evil Lyn in her underwear, lol.
So did anyone look up The Little Mermaid one? There is no mistaking that one. 😆
I believe the story the artist gave is he drew it in the wee hours of the morning and didn’t realize what it was resembling. That’s his story and he’s sticking to it. 😄
@admin Lame! No way that is an accident bro. Maybe he was drunk and thought it was funny at the time artists did that all the time back then. Artists did it in He-Man too.
@he-dad Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!