“For the honor of Grayskull, I am She-Ra!” We now have official promotional pictures for the upcoming He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” She-Ra 40th Anniversary action figure! Check out these terrific images: The He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” She-Ra 40th Anniversary figure is expected to […]
Some promotional photographs are now available for three upcoming action figures from the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” line giving fans a better insight on how Tri-Klops, Hordak and Man-E-Faces will look in their collection. Check it out: “Cartoon Collection” Tri-Klops “Cartoon Collection” Hordak “Cartoon Collection” Man-E-Faces As soon as […]
This past Saturday, Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed lower resolution images of the packaging for the upcoming He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” RAM MAN action figure. But today, we not only have higher resolution images of the of the packaging itself, but the artwork and Ram Man’s headsculpt as well. First, we begin with a better look […]
This past Friday, Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed lower resolution images of the packaging for the upcoming He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” MANTENNA action figure. But today, we not only have higher resolution images of the of the packaging itself, but the artwork and Mantenna’s sculpt as well. First, […]
This Thursday, Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed lower resolution images of the packaging for the upcoming He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” SHE-RA 40th Anniversary action figure. But today, we not only have higher resolution images of the of the packaging itself, but the artwork and She-Ra’s sculpt as well. First, we begin with […]
Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the terrific packaging for the upcoming He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” RAM MAN figure today, in a lower resolution. Check it out below! The Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” RAM MAN figure is expected to be available later this year at an […]
Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the terrific packaging for the upcoming He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” MANTENNA figure today, in a lower resolution. Check it out below, including Mantenna’s pop-out eyes action feature described on the cardback! The Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” MANTENNA figure is expected to be […]
Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the terrific packaging for the upcoming He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” SHE-RA 40th Anniversary figure today, in a lower resolution. Check it out, including its anniversary sticker in the top left corner, and a certain character tease in the artwork: The Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon […]
Octavia, Shadow Weaver and Horde Troopers are likely coming! Mattel packaging graphic designer & art director Roy Juarez on Instagram has just teased some upcoming artwork for the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” line. Illustrated by the amazingly talented Francisco Etchart, this artwork sneak peek offered plenty of teases of what characters we […]
When the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Prince Adam and Cringer Two-Pack was released, the packaging art had some wonderful upcoming teases. One of those marvelous teases was a “Cartoon Collection” Tri-Klops spying on the relaxing Prince from a distance, accompanied by Skeletor and Evil-Lyn. This tease felt like a natural indicator that […]
Last month during the San Diego International Comic-Con, Mattel showed off their new Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” action figures on the way including She-Ra (revealed by Filmation actress Melendy Britt), Ram Man, Mantenna, Man-E-Faces, Vultak and Catra! And now, thanks to the ‘heads up‘ from our awesome community member Craig, the UK […]
We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews BOTH the brand new Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Spikor and Clawful action figures based on the Filmation animated series “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe“! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING […]
The Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” SDCC / Mattel Creations Exclusive TWO BAD figure has surprisingly received some flack by some big named reviewers. So what are they finding wrong with this figure and do their criticisms have any merit? Join AJ as he does a deep dive and finds out! You can […]
IT’S TIME! Preorders are now being taken from fan channel retailers for the latest Masters of the Universe action figures. This means places like BigBadToyStore.com and EntertainmentEarth.com have order listings for the latest waves or releases of Masterverse, Masters of the Universe: Origins Vintage, “Cartoon Collection” and “Turtles of Grayskull” figures! (ForEternia.com is not affiliated […]
Preview Night has begun at the San Diego International Comic-Con and already we have exciting reveals to show you! Thanks to the awesome Masters of the Universe collector Mike a.k.a. Eternian Royalty on Instagram, he has taken pictures of new Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” action figures on the way! They consist of […]
Mattel released a new promotional video for their upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Two Bad figure today! This time, we join key lead packaging designer Roy Juarez at the Mattel office as he gives fans a behind-the-scenes look at how the packaging was designed for the “Cartoon Collection” two-headed evil warrior! Check […]
Our 28th Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com has hit the airwaves! In tonight’s show AJ reads an e-mail from a listener, counts down his Top-5 toys that got away, discusses the rumors about She-Ra is coming to the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” action figure line, gets into some Masters of […]
Witness the birth of Two Bad! Today, Mattel has released a marketing video featuring the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” TWO BAD figure. Dubbed “The Merger of Tuvar and Baddrah Multipack“, this video depicts the origin story of the two-headed evil warrior using stop motion animation. Check it out: The Merger of […]
A two-headed evil warrior is coming to this year’s San Diego International Comic-Con! Mattel has just announced one of their exclusive offerings that will be made available at the San Diego International Comic-Con 2024 next month: The Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Two Bad combo set! Featuring individual figures of both Tuvar and […]
Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the terrific packaging for the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” SPIKOR figure today, in a lower resolution. Check it out: The Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” SPIKOR figure will be available later this year at an Origins retailer near you. We’ll see you next time!