A two-headed evil warrior is coming to this year’s San Diego International Comic-Con!

Mattel has just announced one of their exclusive offerings that will be made available at the San Diego International Comic-Con 2024 next month: The Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Two Bad combo set!

Featuring individual figures of both Tuvar and Baddrah, this combo set includes an extra body component to merge both villians into one being!

Tuvar and Baddrah come with the ancient Mirror of Avathar, specialty packaging and will include a double-sided mini-comic!

Official Details Update:
Ready for a real double header? Finally, the Two Bad figure collectors have always craved is here! Create Tuvar and Baddrah separately, or double down on evildoing by combining Skeletor’s fighting sidekicks into the epic figure Two Bad. Swap heads, torsos, arms, and legs to create arguably – literally and figuratively – the coolest character(s) in MOTU history. (See what we did there?)
- Masters of the Universe® Origins Two Bad™: The Merger of Tuvar & Baddrah Multipack
- Origins scale figures are 5.5″ inch tall with 16 points of articulation
- Extra torso allows you to assemble them as two characters
- Comes with Mirror of Avathar accessory
- Included comic book tells the story of this fan-favorite evildoer
- Removable slipcover and split-open revealed box
- Pack-out poses pay homage to the vintage figure’s action feature

The price for the The Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Two Bad combo will be $50.
This San Diego International Comic-Con exclusive set will be available for purchase at Booth #3029 at the convention beginning Preview Night… and will also be available through the Mattel Creations website HERE beginning Thursday, July 25 at 9am PT.
We’ll see you next time!
Cartoon Collection? Where’s the vintage release?
@kraken I came here specifically to ask that same question
@brasco Fucking A
THIS IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cartoon Collection is what I collect! I am so happy. I hope they make a Panthor next!
I’m here for the Cartoon Collection Two Bad! Is Mattel adding new modularity to the CC? It seems like we might start being able to remove their legs now and that would be awesome!
This is an epic release! I’m not really collecting CC but I will be getting this. They solved the “merging” in the best and simplest way! Packaging design is top notch as usual!
Two-Bad has always been one of my absolute favorite characters in MOTU. I’m ok getting him as CC first, since the vintage version will probably be not a combining set.
I’m curious about the leg swapping myself. I’m not sure they’ll make it a permanent feature going forward or if just this set will have the ability to remove the legs or if they’ll include instructions telling us to heat up the legs to remove them.
I don’t remember seeing Tuvar & Baddrah separated in the old cartoon.
Because they weren’t, which makes this a rather strange choice by Mattel, unless it’s their odd way of demonstrating that they intend to make Filmation figures of characters that never actually appeared in Filmation, which I’ve mentioned here in the past as a possibility.
I really hope they also make an additional set in VC where you can combine Tuvar and Baddrah into Two-Bad, but I have a feeling they’ll cheap out on that one…
Also, while it’s great that they’ve added a swappable leg feature, it’s also frustrating that they’ve only done so a full 4 years into the line, after they’ve already released what, at least a hundred figures? Will they use that as an excuse to start releasing “updated" versions of all the figures we already have??
I really don’t think it’s fair how people say I complain too much when the toy companies keep doing this shit. I mean really? They release a Cartoon Collection Two-Bad when we still don’t have him in the Vintage Collection? They’ve been teasing this character for years now & we still don’t have him. I thought the 2024 SDCC Two-Bad was going to be Vintage Collection. This is some of the DUMBEST FUCKING BULLSHIT I have ever seen.
But I complain too much! I’m the “bad guy" here. 🙄
With that out of my system, are we still going to get a Vintage Collection Two-Bad? Do I buy this piece of crap just to make sure I have some kind of representation of this character in my Origins collection? Even if Mattel says they will make a Vintage version, now when will it be released? 2025? 2026? 3087??? And will the Vintage version have the same split figure feature?
See? THIS is exactly why I wanted them to finish the Vintage Collection first. So this shit wouldn’t happen & I could put this behind me & move on with my life. I could’ve had this fucking collection COMPLETED by now if Mattel would just stop this dumbfuckery.
There shouldn’t even be a “Cartoon Collection". The cartoon should have looked like the toys we played with. I’ll never understand why Filmation felt the need to change things so drastically. Especially making Clawful look exactly like a Snakeman.
Do you legit not understand why he looks the way he did? Or is this more of an “angry at the reality we all experience" thing? I need to know if I should just give you space or post a link to the Battle Ram Blog.
Who? Two-Bad or Clawful?
@sci-fitsunami Clawful but really anyone who deviates in the cartoon.
I don’t know why they changed the characters so much & it doesn’t really matter. I hate all the changes. They ruined Clawful & my favorite character Spikor. The way I see it, there is no way in hell they would mess with He-Man, Skeletor, Teela or Man-At-Arms like that so they didn’t need to mess with any of the characters.
I can understand hating changes like Clawful but I don’t think that one was Filmation’s fault. A lot of the characters in that show were drawn before the toys were decided upon. Some of their character designs were pure gold like He-Man and Skeletor. I don’t know how anyone can complain with those.
If you like Orko you can thank the Filmation cartoon.
This is true!
It’s possible they (Filmation) didn’t charge the characters. In some cases they were working with early concept art from Mattel. There’s the story about how the Bashasaurus started out as a vehicle for the bad guys and Filmation wouldn’t use it because it’s original name was the Ball Buster.
@smitty-81 LOL, that’s kind of hilarious. They also refused to use Stinkor because they thought his gimmick was too stupid. Personally I’d like to see a “what if?" Filmation style Stinkor done in the CC.
@durendal I had read Filmation didn’t use Stinkor because they thought it could lead to fart jokes.
Oh no, fart jokes! How would we have ever survived.
And look at the crap we ended up with 40/years later- “ I’d sure like to fist him”
@banthafett Considering what “fans" did to Fisto’s mini comic I think Kevin Smith kept it every tame.
@sci-fitsunami Hyperbolic rant aside, it may seem like “dumbassery" to you that Mattel does things like this, but that’s exactly how they keep their greedy, filthy claws (dicks?) in us, and we all know it. The harsh truth is that it’s not in their interest to cater to the wishes of diehards of “vintage, and VINTAGE ONLY!!!!" who loudly moan about how intensely eager they are to stop collecting MOTU and move on to something else. No, their interest is to keep as many of us hooked for as long as possible like the MOTU-crack addicts that we are. So, they’ll be more than content to pad out the remaining VC characters, while offering plenty of alternative styled MOTU products in between that they know you’ll be tempted to buy even as nothing more than placeholders because they’ll keep you guessing as to when, or even if, they’ll ever get around to releasing the stuff that you actually want. And to make the cruelty complete, they simply won’t provide any explanations or answer any fan questions to boot, ultimately keeping us fans totally in the dark as to their intentions. What better way than to keep us buying everything in sight out of panic that if we don’t, MOTU will disappear again and our collections will be forever incomplete.
And so the torturous cycle continues…
I think this qualifies as a rant too. I’m not complaining though. Shit, I come here for the rants. Bring em on!
Yeah man, I totally understand. I know what they’re up to. But their strategy doesn’t work on me. I’m disabled with very low income so I can’t even afford everything I actually want. I still don’t have Snake Mountain, TOG Skeletor, TOG Michelangelo or the Skeletor Screech 2-pack. And I’m waaaay behind on Masterverse. I don’t buy up everything in sight. I make a list of everything I truly want & focus on the top of the list & work my way down. Right now the Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron AT-AT is my top priority. I missed Target’s clearance sale so I’ll probably have to pay full price $60 before they completely disappear from stores. I need to hurry because the scalpers are already jacking the prices up around $100. So I won’t be buying the SDCC Two-Bad. I only buy what I like. I didn’t bother with Kol-Darr or Camo-Khan and skipped a ton of other stuff. I’m not a “completionist". The only Cartoon Collection figure I bought is Teela because she doesn’t look “cartoony" and I want to get Clawful to use as another Snakeman for my Vintage Collection. I plan to give him normal human hands & repaint his eyes to look more like a snake.
MOTU is not my main thing. I’m also into Transformers, Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron, Snap-Ships, models/Gunpla, some GI Joe Classified, Cosmic Legions & Valaverse. But most of my money goes into my customs, mold rubber, casting resins, foam sculpture, scratch building with styrene & all the supplies that go into it. Very expensive & I can only get a couple of things per month.
I also get sidetracked every month with clearance finds. I had to pass on Night Stalker because this month my Walmart finally put the 1/48 scale Space 1999 Eagle 2 model on clearance for $20. I’ve been keeping my eye on that. It was originally $179.99. So I bought 4. That’s $720 worth of items for $80. I’ve been waiting around 2 years for them to lower the price. So Night Stalker and a bunch of other stuff had to be sacrificed. Hopefully Night Stalker doesn’t sell out by this Friday so I can order him.
I have also lost most of my interest in MOTU since they moved the Vintage Collection to MC and they started loading up Masterverse with multiple versions of the same characters that I already have. So I really don’t want to be collecting MOTU anymore. I’m kinda over it. But I’m still trying to finish up my collection at the same time. That’s why I’m so annoyed. I don’t want to do this anymore but I also need to get them now for retail price because I don’t want to pay the scalpers 2x, 3x or 4x later.
And maybe Laser Power He-Man and Laser Light Skeletor. Granita would be also nice. I don’t even care about Rotor or Twistoid. Toy Habits keeps talking about The Power Of Grayskull line but I honestly have no interest in any of that. I have no interest in characters like Eldor. Only 9 more figures & I can finally be done with this. But if they start making The Power Of Grayskull line, those 9 will drag out for another 3 or 4 years.
Also, look at how they revealed 4 figures a whole year ago but we just got them now. They will probably reveal 3 or 4 more figures at this year’s SDCC and we won’t get them until this time next year. Think about it, aside from all the Snakemen exclusives, all we got for the VC in 2024 were Rokkon, Sy-Klone, Extendar & Night Stalker. Only 4 figures for the whole year. At this rate………. 🙄 ☹️ 😒 😭
I really should make a video about this for my Youtube channel. Other Youtubers post any old crap they can think of & just talk, talk, talk. But I like to keep quiet/private so talking my head off isn’t one of my strengths. I’m not one of those people who are obsessed with the sound of their own voice. lol
And Samuel, I hate Orko, Gwildor, Imp, Broom, Loo-Kee & all the other babyish characters that fit in better with the Smurfs. To me, Orko will always be Gargamel’s assistant. That’s exactly where he belongs. Smurfs not MOTU. lol I like The Sorceress because she’s hot but I really don’t like her character. Because I originally went by the mini-comics BEFORE the Filmation Cartoon. Grayskull was a mysterious abandoned ruin. He-Man & Skeletor tried to get both halves of the Sword Of Power to gain access. I feel that having The Sorceress in Castle Grayskull at all times makes it IMPOSSIBLE for Skeletor to ever win. It basically cancels the entire franchise because the main villain is no threat whatsoever. In Filmation, Skeletor is nothing but a useless, bumbling buffoon that poses no real threat to anybody. Skeletor can’t do shit as long as the Sorceress controls Grayskull. I liked it much better when Grayskull was an empty ruin that contains awesome, ancient power that Skeletor was always trying to access. So much better that way! But that’s just me.
All in with a jab in good fun; I am waiting for you to realize this is exactly you mate but with a keypad!
I wish I was more excited for this one, but I’ve really been wanting Two Bad in his vintage format for Origins… I know this release doesn’t necessarily negate the vintage one appearing, but it feels like his vintage counterpart could still be quite a ways off and probably won’t come fast on the heels of a Cartoon Collection release. Then again, we do have multiple Mer-Men at retail (Turtles Of Grayskull, Cartoon Collection, with a New Eternia one on the way)… so who knows? I’m mostly in on this one for the mini-comic and mirror accessory. I think the faces on this one are a little TOO goofy for me to love.