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Last seen: Mar 26, 2025
@smokinya I wasn't "expecting" them to do much. Other than maybe take the issue to their their team and say something like,"Damn, Uh yeah that's kind ...
Man, I do not like the whole Earth angle. That seems like a "we don't have the budget so base it on earth". Just do it right! Folk will show up. ...
When I opened my Mondo Skeletor the cloth hood “tip” (that’s stitched down and to the back) was stitched SUPER crooked. It also seemed to interfere wi...
@he-dad A coffin!? Damn, Pops. That's HARD LOL
@he-metayer I'd love Mondo to do a Supplemental offering that would augment the Deluxe (or Normal) figures. Maybe include a Keldor head, Terror Claws ...
@zukny Would you be there for a Mattel Creations Masterverse Granamyr crowdfund?
I'll say this...(SLIGHT SPOILERS TO FOLLOW!) After "The Kiss" (My eyes may or may not have puddled up) and duel transformation scene I w...
@skeledog Exactly. And it ain't like Motherboard is going get much reuse from the mold. I would love to see final sales numbers for Orko and how order...
@smokinya When you compare this release to the recent Deluxe He-Man and Skeletor (and I mean actually COMPARE what's included. Plus total deco. Deluxe...
@depp76 I was thinking 140 MAX. Prices have gotten crazy as a whole. It sucks but, it is what it is. With that in mind 260 for Deluxe Skeletor was acc...
@theman GOOD LORD! That's absolutely INSANE. Got any pics?
@depp76 THANKS BUD! $235?! Yeesh. That's pretty dang steep.
@banthafett OOF! Sorry to hear that. My Skeletor that shipped from China came with a big ole hole punched in the shipper. Lucked out and didn't get th...
Damn. That's the For Eternia Quote of The Day LOL
@griff That "debate" that he engaged in with Retro Blasting made the RB dude look pretty bad though. RB was really emotional about it all and wouldn't...
WOOF! I live in middle TN and we got 6-7 inches. That's huge for us. Stayed home for 2 days. Temp hasn't gotten about 20.
@he-dad No, the Skeletor head was first one. But I’ve done a ton of other stuff. The biggest of which was a total repaint of McFarlane’s Gold Label Ba...
@he-dad I’ve thought about it. But that possibility doesn’t bother me. I do things like this for my benefit. And to practice my craft. To make the thi...
These pics are kind of crappy since they were snapped with my old iPhone X. But shows how it looks on the figure. I like it. firmpulse_Skeletor_Pan...
@elder Play it at 1/2 speed on YouTube. It's a lot easier to see the easily missed details.
@adoralovely The CGI series was WAY underrated. They did some incredibly interesting things in it. Shame it was axed.
HO. LEE. SHIT!!!!!!
@he-dad Thank you. I was happy with how it came out. I haven't even dropped it on the figure yet! LOL The gloss hits on the eyes and teeth were drying...
@skeledog Here ya go firmpulse_Mondo_SkelHeadRepaint1.jpg
@skeledog Ah! Thanks, I couldn't figure out what those were. I'm finishing up a repaint of the Mondo Exclusive head. The sculpt is awesome but the b...