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I assume it means Revolution mate but one truly never knows.
When that moment comes it will be equally thrilling and terrifying.
@longtooth It is impressive that after all these years Spielberg has continued to refrain from making an E.T. sequel.
@lordofdestruction Excellent effort mate.
@firmpulse He would be a great barbarian He-Man mate but his age and face has too many miles for a Prince Adam.
I viewed Masters of the Universe recently and was again astonished how well Dolph acted in that movie. Certainly he would never be graced with an acti...
This is quite embarrassing.
@ninadust The timing of this comic could have been better.
Here is what can be seen in the UK.
Masterverse POP was never intended as a cartoon collection line. You only have to go as far as the first She-Ra figure to realize that.
Those bald techs always reminded me of the Lobot from Empire Strikes Back.
He-Man was inspiring. Charasmatic. Noble. Heroic. Honest. Fit. Kind. It was all that I aspired to be.