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@lurker-man Hollywood has come a long way when it comes to skeletal villians. There is no excuse to make a mess of Skeletor now.
Your post intrigues me mate. So your wish would be a Demon Skeletor and a Keldor Skeletor existing in this continuity in alternate universes. I don't ...
I don't believe he's lying mate. We can see Skeletor has demon feet with three toes.
Some have compared the ZX Spectrum to the American Commodore computer but I do not know how accurate that is.
@durendal I don't think he's implying that Mekaneck is in Revolution. I think he's implying they are hiding the other pictures of the wave on the back...
We have 200X, the DC comics, the classics, and Revelation & Comics. Which continuity are you referring to mate?
This makes sense to me mate. It would be peculiar to release only one Revolution Figure in a wave that arrives the same month as Revolution.
My first video game system is not qualified as a system. It was an antique computer called the ZX Spectrum. And my favourite game was called the Robin...
That is astonishing. I ponder where Origins and Masterverse will value in ten years.
@emeraldknightphotos If you did start collecting Classics today mate it would fascinating to run a tally on how much it would cost to obtain them all....
Happy Holidays to you all!
@firefly That is an excellent point. Where did Hordak go and why haven't I questioned this before? Watching Skeletor being overcome by the Christmas s...
@owenmorton You have a good attitude about it. Cheers mate!
@emeraldknightphotos Now that you have He-Man mate is it your plan to collect the entire Classics line?
@theman This is acceptance, the last phase of the five stages of grief. Perhaps our group therapy has finally reached its conclusion. 🍻
I fear Revolution won't rank well on your list either. It too goes down the road of the universe is in jeopardy. And with five less episodes I suspect...
Perhaps it's the lack of hardship but I ponder why newer generations generally struggle to tell a good story than the generations preceeding them.