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We can assume the usual suspects will be in. You know, Hordak, Shadow Weaver, maybe Horde Prime (assuming they're not saving him for a potential part 3). That bring said, who do you want to see headline?
Hoping for Catra and Scorpia, but that's only assuming they managed to get the rights to use She-Ra (at least Dreamworks and Mattel seem to on better terms than Sony and Marvel).
Aside from her, fingers crossed for Modulok, Leech and Mantenna.
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I think Modulok would be my #1. I have found him so terribly creepy, ever since I saw him in the Filmation He-Man and the Masters of the Universe series!
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Catra, Scorpia, Entrapta and Shadow Weaver are obviously high on the list. Now I am a bit worried Mattel maybe cannot use em? So my suspect list is any character from the Horde MOTU line such as Manteena, Grizzlor, Leech and well Hordak will show!
Masterverse wishlist:
Catra 2018 (season 4)
He-Man 2002 (Snake Armor)
King Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 2002
She-Ra 2018 (season 5)
Skeletor 2002
Let's see some characters that never made it into the classic POP. How about Mosquitor and Dragstor?
Let's see some characters that never made it into the classic POP. How about Mosquitor and Dragstor?
Dragstor? 😄 Love it!
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