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@he-dad you got a point. Makes me wish they were continuing the 3D series, as the artbook suggested they were taking it in an interesting direction.
@thenerdwithasuit Well said. I personally didn't like NHA, but I agree SPOP did an awesome job with their version of Mara. Those are some good ideas...
Not usually into card games, but this does sound interesting.
@wundar doesn't surprise me, with everything else going on.
It seems like they want us to think it's still coming, but they're having real issues actually getting it put together.
Bummer, but like everyone said, at least they got to tell the main story.
NSFW Warning Slightly off topic, but here are said audio bloopers from Thundercats: And Silverhawks: As far as know, I don't know if anyth...
Update: Season 5 confirmed for this summer.
@he-dad No worries. Internet slang / abbreviations can be tricky. AMV means "Anime Music Video". It's a general term used for any fan-made music ...
Wonder if there's a reel of audio bloopers out there like the infamous 80s Thundercats one (verified true by one of the OG voice actors), or the lesse...
The way I look at it, the entire franchise has something for everyone.
I personally like most of the shows. Although, I'm not a fan of "New Adventures of He-Man".
In addition to missing the PS2 / early PS3 experimental era of video games (on reflection, I'd add late PS1 era as well), I miss the old video game co...
Thanks. That's what I'm hoping for.
Hopefully doing modelling or animation for a game or film studio. I'm still exploring my options. Especially since there are no real animation jobs (o...
That's actually pretty good.