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If we consider them two seperate universes, I think we can at least theorize that the events in the Revelation timeline played out more or less the sa...
Definitely interesting alright. I'd love to see She-Ra (both 80s and SPOP) crossovers. Heck, maybe they could get put She-Ra in Multiversus.
Really liking the concept.
@deltavax I agree she earned a shot at redemption (and by proxy, a relationship with Adora), but yes, she needs to do more to atone for everything.
@talonfighter most likely new power, as Scare-Glow didn't use it in any of his previous appearances in the comics (as you know, Revelation was his fir...
@deltavax I forgot about Prince Zed. Yeah, you're right. Him being the one clone trying to take control of the fragments of Prime's empire does sound ...
Scare Glow was one of the best parts of Revelation. Awesome to see him make a return appearance.
@catra ain't that the truth.
@he-dad good question.
While it would be amazing if true, I'm pretty sure it's more likely Kotal Khan.
@catra I'm pretty sure they were both joking when they suggested it. That being said, I wouldn't object to them getting the green light on it.
@he-dad supposedly yes, but given the lack of info, plus the strikes, who knows how things are going with it.
Too bad Dreamworks doesn't seem too interested in collaboration. You'd think they'd be willing to so it now that their own She-Ra project finished (wi...
Interesting design. Too bad the sequel (which would have had She-Ra) never got made.
Pretty sure they went with the demon origin for Revelations. You'd think it would have been mentioned in passing if he was Adam's uncle.
Interesting. I'll check it out later after I get my assignments handed in.
Season 5 is out. This is a good one.