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Though I cannot remember which version, mine was an Atari! I absolutely loved Space Invaders! In fact I still like that game to this day lol.
Whoa on that Hsssssss. Great work on him and that Faker!
@smitty-81 That was pretty cool, will be fun to see how close to the story you are once the US version turns up!
Really am enjoying these Smitty!
Godzilla Vs The Planet of the Apes? Honestly not a fan of Planet of the Apes and thats what this feels like.
Ok that was pretty cool, I only had seen the version from the year before so Lundren and the added characters was pretty cool! ty for sharing this! Fu...
I agree Smitty! BAF should never be essential characters, I always hate it when they do that!
As far as I know there isn't an image of the toy. The OP is probably making assumptions from the artwork from the Mouse-Jaw card art, which does look ...
Going to the dark hemisphere and egg snake mountain. In all seriousness, I celebrate alone and buy a Stouffers veggie Lasagna and maybe make ga...
Thankfully no, though my Evil Lynn's arm is loose and pops out all the time but no breaks on any yet. Though I tend to let tight legs/arms on my toys ...
As I understand this, toy guru was sorta right afterall (hate saying that.) Only he assumed it was the entire rights but it seems to be the movie (may...
Awesome! thank you!
I'm lucky one of my 2 walmarts stopped carrying origins in jan, i say lucky cause they just started carrying them again so at least one store near me ...
@smitty-81 thats awesome Smitty. I'd do the same if I had the money, so i'm glad people are. Nothing better than sharing the MOTU love!
I haven't really watched many Christmas things lately, but I do watch the scene with the "Scrooge" song from Muppet Christmas Carol every year on YouT...
Ty Smitty, its great to know these will still be easily read even after the org!
Yay Jack! I was afraid that I would never see you again after the org leaves, glad to see you here now (as well as everyone else)