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In the last five years, numerous Star Trek fan creators have received cease and desist orders, including Stage-9, despite the backlash.
Always choose physical media. And patronize a brick and mortar comic book store.
That is not really the calculus. Rather, it is whether the average person would be confused about the authorship of the unauthorized work, or if the u...
It is possible that it was not specifically permitted, and that NBCUniversal is not aware of it.
We do not have a documented timeline of when NBCUniversal became aware of it. So it is not necessarily the case that they "knew about it the whole tim...
Fan creations are still unauthorized derivative works. There is no exception in the law for fan creations. It is soley up to the discretion of the rig...
Forty years ago, it was approximately 45 percent, so I expect that today, it is roughly the same.
The music was so misplaced it was distracting.
You will have to wait until the Kickstarter documentary is released.
They did not, that is why it did not get made, and Cannon repurposed the pre-production materials for Cyborg. The proposed title for the sequel was Ma...
I, too, question the existence of public records, cannot be bothered to research them, but am totally commited to reading them.
Having this conversation continually for six years, because people cannot be bothered to do the least bit of fact checking is frustrating.
Intellectual properties are enumerated assets. Their sale or transfer must be publicly disclosed as a matter of law, and anyone can research their cha...
I am going to see it with my family next Thursday.
Again, a member of the forums started a thread about this subject in 2017 in response to a YouTube video published by Neitlich. He was a pa...
It is all public record.
I posted the entire rights history on in a thread dedicated to this very subject. It is a settled issue. But now that the discussion thread...
I appreciate that the accessories are photographed at scale, something that was not done for the Dark Horse Toys of Masters of the Universe.
This is the sort of institutional knowledge that gets lost, and if people are not vigilant, history gets rewritten.