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what's up ? ♡
so as the title of this thread suggests, i'm a lil' curious as to how many users here are women (that's women and ANYONE who identifies as women too ! 🏳️⚧️✨️)
throughout my adolescence and adulthood as part of this community, i've noticed that there are actually WAY more female for MOTU/POP then there are for say things like transformers or g.i. joe or even star wars (and i should know as i am also a proud member of all those aforementioned communities too ♡)
it's just that I've always noticed a generous portion of he-man love online comes from female fans. from what i can tell, for eternia's last couple recent new sign ups have been girls (judging by the usernames) and i currently work with some ladies who regularly watched MOTU/POP as kids.
so yeah, just interested in finding out how many of us here are girls.
Female here and proud 👋
I have a few silent strong female real life friends that are members here YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE that I won't out and they don't like to post. They read they listen but no posting. The day these ladies do look out! They have some fierce opinions! I am the timid one imagine that.
Am I allowed to jump in here to mention my 7 year old daughter? Every night before she goes asleep she gives me a hug and says "For the honor of Grayskull, I am She-Ra."
She caught the bug from me and my son.
"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."
Going by the meager amount of female characters in the Origins line Mattel does not seem to have realize it yet (sadly) the sword and sorcery setting in combination with strong women in both parts of the franchise plus the respectful way all characters are usually treated does makes it a perfect toyline for everyone. I doub't I could have gotten my cousins lil girl into GI Joe or Transformers; but MotU? Easy peasy 😎
Now someone need to tell Mattel to stop treating MotU & PoP as two separate boy & girls things so they can finally start printing all the money they dream of printing with it 😉
I'm very interested in this myself, the fact that I'm 48 and single and would love to find me a He-Man fangirl notwithstanding. 😆
Seriously though, I've always been amazed at the amount of female fans He-Man has and I find that extremely cool, very few properties have such gender crossover appeal. I think on some level some people within Mattel have known and certainly Filmation knew leading to the creation of She-ra.
I think it leads to a more appealing property and hope it's crossover appeal never fades.
@eternianbunny timid and yet always so friendly and chatty 😋😉 lol
i love that your irl besties are on here, sweetie. did you recommend for eternia to them or did they discover the forums for themselves? i'm going to tell them about this site the next time i see them at work.
currently, i am also trying to get them to watch the netflix shows. as for which of the three shows i recommend they watch first, i like to go by what interests them already. for example, i know that one of the girlies i work with likes the blood of zeus and castlevania, so to her, i suggested she start with revelations (it helps with revolution being so close, also ALL THREE SHOWS are made by powerhouse. if you've seen blood of zeus, you may know what i mean as the art and visuals are very similar to motu.)
@daavid this made me smile like you wouldn't believe 😭 your little girl is so precious, bless her ♡
(and yes, i can relate ad i picked up my own dad's love of star trek along with my brother's love of gaming)
which she-ra does she like, david? have you shown her the filmation classic or new netflix she-ra?
I don't normally say. There is always someone asking if I am single and I am not here for that. Most women are fans love the shows more than the toys I think but I like some of the toys too.
@lurker-man ugh 😭 i couldn't agree more, LM ! thank you ! ♡
i think there is a lot that mattel could learn from the fan community actually and one of those is our equal appreciation for BOTH he-man and she-ra ! to all of us, it always have been all one big franchise and that's certainly the way mattel USED to see it and as you said, there isn't many female characters in the origins line but that would be easily fixed with the creation of a "princesses of power origins" line.
it's show your daughter/cousin/neice/kid sister the she-ra cartoon and she LOVES it ! so far, so good but then she wants a glimmer toy or a mermista or frosta to play with like she sees on the show, or (god love her) she wants a crystal falls playset, then what do you do? eBay? have you seen those vintage POP prices? 😭 omg
until mattel give us more POP, we still have origins and masterverse she-ra, masterverse catra and thankfully old she-ra books and she-ra kids clothing is inexpensive and easy to find.
@talonfighter ughh 😫 i felt this, sis ! it's happened to me before too (not on this site, don't worry. but i've gotten it occasionally in the comic shops i regularly visit)
and you know, that's actually a very good point you've made about most motu fangirls being more interested/invested in the characters and mythology rather than the toys themselves (and then there's ones like you and me who like both 😉😊) motu has always been pretty lore heavy from the beginning and i think that's a big part of the appeal/attraction that it has to women, it's in the worldbuilding and characters. i mean come on, what girl doesn't love castles, princes/princesses and cute talking things ! 💗
besides the worlbuilding, i've always found i gravitated so much to things like family drama, relationships strain, strong (and fully developed) female characters in stories, as well as healthy/soft masculinity and motu/pop have these things in SPADES
@adoralovely oh Star Trek, nice one. I've been watching all series of that with my other three kids!
She loves Filmation She-Ra. She got hooked last year when I was watching He-Man with my son on YouTube. She thought he was cool so I told her about He-Mans sister. She couldn't believe it, so we watched The Secret of the Sword. Mind blown. 🤣
At the beginning of this year I got The Eternia Collection and we've watched more She-Ra than anything.
Then I got Origins She-Ra for her which she loves. Then in March she asked me for a playset like Grayskull so I got her a vintage Crystal Castle with some vintage figures.
She has asked for more PoP from Santa so we're getting her some PoP Masterverse.
This morning for the first time she asked to watch the Netflix She-Ra, and then later went off to play with my sons Hordak figure. It's so great how much there is for her to enjoy. 😊
"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."
@darkness very well put, sir. ♡♡✨️
it's true, very few media properties enjoy the broad gender appeal as motu does. per every she-ra documentary i've seen, it's always said that folks at mattel/filmation had daughters that loved watching he-man.
and i'm so glad for that. for one, i've never felt out of place here as a woman in the motu community because of the sheer amount of other female fans that there are. another reason i've never felt out of place here is because i find that the male population of the fandom are so sweet. 😊
i find that the motu/pop community to be one of the most accommodating and safe spaces for women in the entire nerd sphere. on the for eternia forums specifically, i have never once felt afraid to voice my opinion for fear of ridicule or rejection. on these forums, i have always been treated with respect, reminded that i am appreciated and i have always felt heard. like, i am allowed to speak my mind, make suggestions or even make mistakes.
i'm not one for throwing shade, so i won't be naming names but i've been in some fandoms where the fact that i'm a woman seemingly didn't matter until i "said something wrong" (like i had an unpopular opinion or made a mistake about lore) then i got that whole "women don't know/respect it" or "you're not really a true fan, are you?" and that's the type of treatment that drives women OUT OF certain communities and the dudes are all left saying the same thing; "why don't women like this?" "oh, girls never even give X FANDOM a chance"
Isn't it curious how some of those guys can talk to you about you not "respecting" the property while showing you very little respect.
I'm glad girls and ladies feel more at ease in the motu / pop community. It adds other perspectives to every conversation.
"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."
Not a woman but I imagine a lot since the vintage line had 40 percent of the sales that went to girls that's why they created the She-Ra line. If only little girls now can get into the franchise so we can get an Origins version of the Princess of Power line.
I don't normally say. There is always someone asking if I am single and I am not here for that.
I cannot even imagine that ever happening in this amazing community we are all a part of... but rest assured, if you ever are dealing with unwanted advances just reach out and we will nip in the bud. 🙂
We have the Power!
Forty years ago, it was approximately 45 percent, so I expect that today, it is roughly the same.
@eternianbunny timid and yet always so friendly and chatty 😋😉 lol
i love that your irl besties are on here, sweetie. did you recommend for eternia to them or did they discover the forums for themselves? i'm going to tell them about this site the next time i see them at work.
currently, i am also trying to get them to watch the netflix shows. as for which of the three shows i recommend they watch first, i like to go by what interests them already. for example, i know that one of the girlies i work with likes the blood of zeus and castlevania, so to her, i suggested she start with revelations (it helps with revolution being so close, also ALL THREE SHOWS are made by powerhouse. if you've seen blood of zeus, you may know what i mean as the art and visuals are very similar to motu.)
I brought them here after watching Revelation together. It was like my 10th time but I didn't care. Afterwards I went if you like it this is where you celebrate it and I practically signed them up at For Eternia for them. 😸 They dm me news links from here so ik it stuck! Do it for your besties it works! TAKE CHARGE 😊
Our next show after Revolution is the Last Airbender.
@daavid you're such a peach, david 🥰 thank you
and i could not have put it better myself, being welcoming and accommodating of others and encouraging their input is only ever a good thing because, as you so thoughtfully put it, it means we get all different kinds of perspectives. guys, girls, everybody else, we are all here to bond over our love for motu/pop.
ps you're a wonderful dad too ! next to the wonderful toys and stories, you've also given your own little princess so many happy memories to treasure. some of my fondest childhood afternoons were spent on the den floor playing with dad's old mego star trek dolls and kenner star wars figures. trust me, she will always adore you for this. 🩷
@herapop i do remember reading that somewhere 🩷 it was the same with the filmation series too - in that a lot of girls were watching.
when i was a kid, i didn't have a single vintage figure or vehicle (*cries* 😭) but i still watched the filmation cartoons EVERY chance i got. even without the toys, i was still utterly captivated by the characters and lore and for the girlies at work it was the same way.
i think it really speaks to the quality scripts of the old filmation series.
@lurker-man ugh 😭 i couldn't agree more, LM ! thank you ! ♡
i think there is a lot that mattel could learn from the fan community actually and one of those is our equal appreciation for BOTH he-man and she-ra ! to all of us, it always have been all one big franchise and that's certainly the way mattel USED to see it and as you said, there isn't many female characters in the origins line but that would be easily fixed with the creation of a "princesses of power origins" line.
it's show your daughter/cousin/neice/kid sister the she-ra cartoon and she LOVES it ! so far, so good but then she wants a glimmer toy or a mermista or frosta to play with like she sees on the show, or (god love her) she wants a crystal falls playset, then what do you do? eBay? have you seen those vintage POP prices? 😭 omg
until mattel give us more POP, we still have origins and masterverse she-ra, masterverse catra and thankfully old she-ra books and she-ra kids clothing is inexpensive and easy to find.
TV wise its only Filmation since she and her brother are simply to young for the rougher newer shows; so together with the modern reprints of more childfriendly older MOTU comics they are pretty deep into both too; so she has no problem playing with the muscle bound guys... eh... that sounds so wrong but I think you get what I mean 😝 But she does gravitate towards the female characters given the choice.
@adoralovely ah thanks. I've got 5 wonderful kids. I must be doing something right because they're all amazing. 😊
"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."
@talonfighter ughh 😫 i felt this, sis ! it's happened to me before too (not on this site, don't worry. but i've gotten it occasionally in the comic shops i regularly visit)
and you know, that's actually a very good point you've made about most motu fangirls being more interested/invested in the characters and mythology rather than the toys themselves (and then there's ones like you and me who like both 😉😊) motu has always been pretty lore heavy from the beginning and i think that's a big part of the appeal/attraction that it has to women, it's in the worldbuilding and characters. i mean come on, what girl doesn't love castles, princes/princesses and cute talking things ! 💗
besides the worlbuilding, i've always found i gravitated so much to things like family drama, relationships strain, strong (and fully developed) female characters in stories, as well as healthy/soft masculinity and motu/pop have these things in SPADES
Yes with us it's the world and the romance and the beauty and the fantastic creatures and characters. With the boys it's always about their toys which I like a little too. They love the fights also.
As a boy in the early 80s MOTU was definitely something girls were into as far as our class in primary school went. I suppose there weren't as many female characters as in Thundercats and it could be seen as closer to the formula of Visionaries, etc, but Teela/Evil-Lyn/Sorceress/Marlena were key players and it was always annoying when popular characters didn't make it into toy lines (or series didn't really get made into toys at all, like MCoG) including the lack of female Horde members. Generally kids want what they see in the comics/episodes.