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When Netflix launched the first five episodes of "Masters of the Universe: Revelation" back on July 23, 2021, there were two posters released up to that point: A teaser poster and a final poster. So in regards to the promotional posters of the anticipated follow-up series "Masters of the Universe: Revolution", we expected those posters…
We have the Power!
Yall that is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! 😍 Life will never be the same!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the poster. I see that Lyn is with the heroes now. I wonder if that will remain or will she turn back to evil.
I absolutely love the Revolution poster!
Supreme Fan Of The Go-Go's & The Bangles!
Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan!
Social Justice Warrior!
DC Comics Fan!
This is one awesome poster! Cannot wait for the preview tomorrow!
By the power, for the honor, for the glory of Grayskull!
@asterstar I really like the idea of a fully redeemed Evil-Lyn who permanently joins the heroes in this canon.
Ah crap they're making Teela the Green Goddess? BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Teela and Green Goddess (and Sharella too) should be completely different characters!
This looks awesome. The Horde logo mixed with Grayskull is a cool image!
"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."
I'll never not get a kick out of "The Green Godess" because it was the name of a campy fitness expert on UK breakfast television in the 80s 😊
This is a beautiful piece of art. Nate never disappoints.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
@asterstar I really like the idea of a fully redeemed Evil-Lyn who permanently joins the heroes in this canon.
I wonder if they will fully trust her. She has a history of some very bad deeds.