I'm sorry but I think you can't see the forrest for the trees. It's showing you can be in the top 10 but still fail to reach your ratings goal. It's not an automatic success. It still could be a failure. No one else is struggling with this. I am sorry that you are.
And that addresses my point how? Does the article answer the question posed in the title, yes or no? The only person struggling is you, to justify this click-bait title.
Supreme Fan OfThe Go-Go's&The Bangles! Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan! Social Justice Warrior! DC Comics Fan!
Come on bros we are all about free speech and free opinions but please keep it civil. We're all on the same team
I absolutely agree with you, the level of abusive language and negativity is not necessary. I don't see why people can't get along without name-calling and rudeness.
Supreme Fan OfThe Go-Go's&The Bangles! Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan! Social Justice Warrior! DC Comics Fan!
January has always been kind of a slow time for movies and TV shows in general. It has been over a month since the show debuted, so Netflix probably has a good idea already on whether it will renew or not. We just might not find out for awhile like last time. Mattel has to want to make more episodes too since they are partially financing it. I wish we knew Revelation's numbers so we could compare.