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FILMING HAS BEGUN! See Prince Adam get Arrested by the Police!

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@alteredquantum It seems pretty clear to me from the pics that they're going to lean into the campy side of MOTU, maybe with a Guardians of the Galaxy kind of feel to it. Depending on the director's savviness, that could either be brilliant or a disaster.

Royal Guard
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@durendal I agree. I just hope for a honest, funny and somehow clever reimagination of the '80s MOTU with some hints to that series, as it seems already happening, at least in part. BUT, I surely do not want to be too much optimistic about that, keeping in mind the "make a movie adapted for modern audiences" mindset of so many producers that is very present nowadays.

Durendal reacted
Royal Guard
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Posted by: @durendal

@alteredquantum It seems pretty clear to me from the pics that they're going to lean into the campy side of MOTU, maybe with a Guardians of the Galaxy kind of feel to it. Depending on the director's savviness, that could either be brilliant or a disaster.

He did made one of the best TF movies with Bumblebee so I do lean more towards brilliant and do have a very faint hope that the pictures and infos about him on earth are to set up a rare positive suversion of expectations in the form of it being actually a very short 5-15 min element of the movie.

I do set my personal expectations to desaster though.


Durendal reacted
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Yeah, this could definitely go either way. We'll just have to wait until we actually get a preview / trailer / something.

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Royal Guard
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Throwing around the word brilliant this early, is odd. Hoping for a good movie is one thing, but its gonna be brilliant, because you seen a guy who looks like Corky Thatcher in a pink dress shirt and blue dockers “looks so much like the vintage toy” is crazy talk. Org mentality.

Knight has only directed 2 movies. Last one 7, 8 years ago. And yeah coming after all those TF Bay turds, anything good  could be better. And Kubo has the Lakia charm going for it. So he really has no track record.


Yes i want a good movie, but it has a lot of stuff going against it. So im in a wait and see. Can it be good? Yes. Can it be bad, yes , and has more of a chance to be. It will never live up to anyones dream. The casting of actors has already started the slide down the hill. 

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Posted by: @heathershalla

Um are they taking him to Mattel HQ? Bc this scene has Barbie movie vibes for sure! They got the shade of pink right too 😉

Thanks so much for sharing this stuff; I hope no one cries spoiler because I can't wait for more little leaks like this. I'm sure it'll look even better after editing.

No one has cried spoiler yet thankfully! 🙂


We have the Power!

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Posted by: @adam_prince-of-eternia

According to the synopsis, Adam arrives on Earth, and is separated from the Sword of Power. His goal is to reunite with the Sword of Power, so he can return to Eternia as He-Man.

I suspect in this scene Adam locates the Sword of Power in a museum and tries to "steal" it, resulting in his arrest.

Oklahoma City is indeed rich with museums...


We have the Power!

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I'm not convinced they have started filming. This is a production still; not a clip. If someone who has actually been on the set can post or if someone can post a clip from the actual film -- NOT a trailer because anyone can make a trailer and not make the film -- then I'll buy it. Believe me, I'm hoping and praying it happens. And, although I hate to be a Dougie Downer, even if in my wildest dreams it gets shot, that doesn't mean it will get released. A friend of mine was the Executive Producer on Space Camp. They wrapped, sent all the posters to theater and three days before release the space shuttle disaster broke the world's hearts. Obviously, they pulled the film. It was released years later and ended up performing pretty well. But it's an object lesson: nothing is a done deal until you're sitting in your seat in the theater and watching it. Sorry, but along with millions of MOTU fans, my heart's been broken too many times. Get me in that seat, dim the lights, I'm a believer and I'll be cheering along with everyone else, probably wiping away a grateful tear or two in the process....

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Posted by: @theman

I'm not convinced they have started filming. This is a production still; not a clip. If someone who has actually been on the set can post or if someone can post a clip from the actual film -- NOT a trailer because anyone can make a trailer and not make the film -- then I'll buy it. Believe me, I'm hoping and praying it happens. And, although I hate to be a Dougie Downer, even if in my wildest dreams it gets shot, that doesn't mean it will get released. A friend of mine was the Executive Producer on Space Camp. They wrapped, sent all the posters to theater and three days before release the space shuttle disaster broke the world's hearts. Obviously, they pulled the film. It was released years later and ended up performing pretty well. But it's an object lesson: nothing is a done deal until you're sitting in your seat in the theater and watching it. Sorry, but along with millions of MOTU fans, my heart's been broken too many times. Get me in that seat, dim the lights, I'm a believer and I'll be cheering along with everyone else, probably wiping away a grateful tear or two in the process....

This is really filming brother! There are pics!



Palace Guard
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Respectfully, this doesn't prove anything. They're just still shots. Show me the set, with cameras rolling, show me actual footage and I'll be the first one to pop a cork of champagne.

Palace Guard
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@theman You serious?

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Believe me, I hope I'm wrong.  But I've been having my hopes built up and my heart broken for thirty years.  I'm just tired of all the speculation and rumors and disappointments.  I'll believe it and cheer for it when I'm seated in the theater and opening credits play.  

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