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Ever since that terrible bad Batman v Superman trailer spoiled the whole movie by basically giving a complete chronological summary of its story development and revealing all surprises that could have led to woah moments in the cinema I, mostly, refuse trailers. No trailer, no teaser no nothing. At least if I'm at least considering watching something. I might make examples by things I'm leaning to no or hard no; but even there if I feel the trailer starts wetting my appetite I leave with hard AltF4. Obviously during times of stuff I really like to see also all adblockers are on high alert since those rotten spoilers do love to sneak into ads to ruin their movies too.
How do you guys handle these times of overinformation for the thing you want to experience as new and fresh as possible for the first time when its released in all its glory?
You got incredible willpower bro.
You're right about those trailers. Sometimes they spoil way too much. I remember being pissed off that the Terminator Genisis trailer showed me John Connor was really a Terminator. I was like WTF! I would have loved to find that out myself. Thanks a lot!!! But I never learned my lesson because I still watch trailers 🤣
@he-dad I'd rather call it grumpy stubbornness with a high dose of old man yelling at clouds but willpower sounds better 😆
@he-dad I'd rather call it grumpy stubbornness with a high dose of old man yelling at clouds but willpower sounds better 😆
I admire you will power, my friend. I can totally respect your position.
I'll dodge social media spoilers by muting Twitter spoiler tags and if it's raining untagged spoilers I'll close down the socials if I have to -- but I can't resist a trailer.
I suppose I trust (probably stupidly) that professional trailers are composed so there are enough surprises held back or that some of the information is edited out of order, etc. Enough to leave me wanting to see it ASAP, but not enough to spoil important stuff completely.
Amazon has definitely overspoiled with trailers in the past (grrr), but as far as I can remember Netflix has been okay.
With Revolution, I don't want any more spoilers now - I just want to see the show.
And on that, I assume people with Netflix Press passes have seen it all or will have soon, so beware the socials in the days ahead.
Best of luck dodging spoilers and lets hope the 25th gets here soon!
@stillyoungatheart In theory they should be just that. Tease a bit, give a general feeling of theme and setting; a hint about how the story/journey starts. Not bring the coolest one-liners; not the hottest character surprises, not the baddest villains. At some point it aint a trailer; its a recap with the movie filling the space between already revealed not-so-cool-anymore thing A & B. I think I just got burned once to many; kinda got used surprisingly well though not watching trailers of the newest things.
Best of luck to all of us to not get spoilered 🍻 🙂
I haven't seen it yet. Psyched about the probability of Battle Armor He-Man in animation.
I didn't like the way Revelation was presented in the trailer, but then the show was totally different. I was one of those people crying foul about it should have been called something like "Teela's Adventure" or similar.
So this time, the only spoilers I have are what I have seen on toy reviews.
BTW. This is my first time typing anything on For Eternia. I just discovered that the org is no more.
@spartannerd The org closed back in November. Members only received one week's notice to say goodbye and get out.