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G.I. Joe Season 3 that never was

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Royal Guard
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For those that don't know, below is a pitch for Season 3 of Sunbow G.I. Joe that never was due to DiC paying for the rights to produce the show.  DiC G.I. Joe wasn't the best, but I thought the 5 part Operation Dragonfire felt close to the Sunbow episodes. 


G.I. Joe writer Buzz Dixon: Mike Hill, who was on staff at the time, made a brilliant proposal to send the Joes off after a somewhat new foe called The Coil for the never made Sunbow season three (there was a DIC season three, but they never bothered to ask for any input from me or Flint or Steve and frankly, we were just as glad). As I recall, Mike's idea was that following the Movie, Cobra would be shattered as a world-wide organization. Under the guidance of Tomax and Xamot, a new organization called The Coil (much more criminal in nature than military) would be formed, picking and choosing among the best of the surviving Cobra units. Cobra-La was utterly wiped out, no survivors, except for Cobra Commander, who would be slithering about in the background for the first half of season three as some sinister character of shifting alliances, then be revealed in severely mutated form in the second half. He would be playing the Joes and The Coil against one another in an attempt to destroy both and rebuild Cobra.


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