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[Sticky] TV series you binge on and ARE binging on

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Palace Guard
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There's something satisfying about a series we once loved and now get to revisit, don't you think?

High on the list for Kim and me is the original Dallas series with The Ewing Family and, the villain you love to hate, J.R. Ewing.  And Victoria Principal?  Don't get me started...  ;).  Arguably the best prime time series ever.

Not surprisingly, we also love Dynasty.  That great series had a tough time in the first season and was almost canceled.  In an interview with many cast members, someone said that the moment Joan Collins opened the door and walked into the courtroom it was like someone had flipped a switch and thereafter everyone worked hard to try to rise to her towering level of acting.  The rest, as they say, is history.

During more modern times, Kim and I have loved and watched over and over Suits, The Good Wife, (of course) Seinfeld and (guilty pleasure) Desperate Housewives.  

We're now two episodes into The X-Files are we're enjoying it.  

How about all of you?

Palace Guard
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Ah Dallas, I watched with my parents from time to time. Did you also watch Knots Landing, the spin off show? 


My all time favourite is Sopranos. I've watched it about 5 times. There isn't a single bad moment in the show. 

Others I've enjoyed, House, Breaking Bad, Star Trek DS9, TNG and Voyager. Currently watching Ozark which is great. The are so many more. 

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

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@daavid the Sopranos was great. My only complaint is what they did with Vito later on. To me it just felt unnecessary. Anyway the drive with Adriana and Sil was one of the best moments in television. The first time seeing it gave me chills

Palace Guard
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@brasco I know what you mean, but I thought it was good because it forced these mens men to take another look at themselves and their ideologies. 

That scene with Adriana and Sil is tv gold. 

If you like Sopranos you should check out an Irish mob series called Love/Hate. Its up there with Sopranos. Amazing acting. It started the career of several Irish actors that are quite famous now such as Barry Keoghan.

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

Palace Guard
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Yes, I watched Knotts Landings, but Donna Mills is another story for another time...  😉

Daavid reacted
Palace Guard
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Ozark. Those drugs dealing southerners dont play!

Daavid and McStinkor reacted
Palace Guard
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They sure don't. I'm nearly finished season 4, great tension being built up! 

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

Palace Guard
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Enjoying The X-files but back to watching Suits tonight. Harvey Specter wears $10,000 Tom Ford suits, gets $300 haircuts and is the top closer in NYC's legal profession. And his sunglasses? OMG. I can definitely tell you what Kim's buying me for my birthday. Sorry, but I'm still happily living in the conspicuous consumer 80s of Dallas.

"If you've got it, flaunt it, baby!" Zero Mostel, The Producers. LOL

And don't even get me started on Donna...

Palace Guard
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I plan to binge watch Power Rangers at some point, the only seasons I don't have though are Samurai/Super & Mega Force/Super. 😀 

Supreme Fan Of The Go-Go's & The Bangles!
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Palace Guard
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This thread got me thinking about Love/Hate again a lot. It's pretty much required viewing here in Ireland, if you're in the US, I think it's on Prime. Some of you should check it out, it's great, and very gritty. Think Ozark meets Sopranos without the high gloss lifestyle. 

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

Palace Guard
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We're trying Kim's Convenience from Netflix tonight.  We tried CSI: Miami and Grey's Anatomy, but the gore is just relentless and seeing people cut open is a little tough for a former USAF search-and-rescue. aerospace medic.  I just want a series that will make me smile and give me a few laughs. not slapstick like Reno 911 -- something like The Office, Parks & Rec, 30 Rock, or dramatic series without all the gore -- The Good Wife, Suits.

We're certainly open for suggestions.  

Palace Guard
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Well I'm happy to say, after a lot of searching and a few false starts, we've finally found two series we're really enjoying. I'll quickly add that I know upbeat, quirky dramadies aren't for everyone and that there's a huge audience out there for Ozark, Breaking Bad and the like. My personal feeling is there's more than enough mayhem and violence on the cable news platforms and if I want to see that then all I need do is watch any of those cable news platforms. When it comes to television series, however, I'd just like to smile a little. (Yeah, we like to think sometimes and that's what History, TLC, NatGeo and PBS are for.)

Right now we're two episodes into both Kim's Convenience and Resident Alien and we're LOVING both series. I'm sure some of you have already seen these so we'd love your take, without spoilers please. This should take us all the way through spring, so we're really pleased.

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I finished watching the new True Detective with Jodie Foster. It was pretty good. I kept feeling The Thing during a lot of it. 😂


Palace Guard
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The Thing in what sense -- gore?

He-Dad reacted
Soldier of Eternos
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@theman Jack, did you ever try Elementary? I think it's about 10 years old now, modern take on Sherlock Holmes, starring Johnny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu. It ran seven seasons and was a pretty light and entertaining procedural. It might fit your bill. (As I recall, it sometimes tried to be a bit edgy in its first year, but softened a little after that.)

Palace Guard
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You had me at Lucy Liu. 😉

We'll check it out after we finish Kim's Convenience and Resident Alien.

OwenMorton reacted
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@theman In the sense of scary images with weird contorted dead bodies and a science research building in the cold snow where it happens.


Palace Guard
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We'll definitely check it out.  Jodie Foster is, imho, America's greatest living actresses.  That said, we're really (happily) booked up right now with Kim's Convenience and Resident Alien. 

Palace Guard
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Currently binging NCIS. I’m 15 series in and my interest is waning with the big shifts in cast. Or maybe I’m just overloaded on NCIS. Will persevere through the last 4 and half series though. Then will be starting True Detective, haven’t seen any of it.

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Anybody watching Avatar The Last Airbender here? Should I watch the toons first?  I'm thinking of watching it but I know nothing about the universe. 


Palace Guard
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Imo, Avatar, The Last Airbender is one of the best animated series ever.  Great characters, rich plot line and many twists and turns.  Watching it will be time well spent.

Palace Guard
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We sure tried to give Entourage a shot.  I'm in the entertainment business and I just don't get it.  Is anyone actually supposed to think that's what the entertainment industry is like?

Royal Guard
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@theman I wasn't an admirer of Entourage either and quickly became bored with it.

If you are looking for a series allow me to suggest Baby Reindeer. It begins harmless enough but unfolds into a deeply disturbing character study. It stayed with me long after it ended.

Palace Bodyguard
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4 days until the second season of House of Dragon! 

Kings Landing Dragon GIF by Game of Thrones


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The problem for me I'm justnot a fan of dark series.  It's one way that Kim and I are very different.  She loved Ozark and Breaking Bad.  Neither was for me.  I love characters to cheer for.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not into The Brady Bunch.  The original Dallas, Dynasty and, alter, The Good Wife and Suits have gritty characters and interesting story lines.  I just don't like it when it's too dark.  Even Game of Thrones was too dark for me.  Tulsa King is about as dark as I go and I think part of the reason I liked it was because of Stallone.  

Obviously my preferences are a personal opinion and I get that Thrones was and is loved by millions.  Different strokes for different folks, I guess...  🙂  

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