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The loss of a belov...
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The loss of a beloved friend and dear family member

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Palace Guard
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Sadly, this morning, after a long and declining road, we were forced to put down our beloved seventeen-year-old Yorkshire terrier, Coco.  In her later years she developed numerous illnesses and suffered from rheumatoid arthritis.  It was heartbreaking to see her increasingly unable to stay on her feet and for us to carry her up to bed every night.  Heartbreaking, too, was her whining from being in pain, no matter the medication.  Putting her down was difficult but I think it was the right decision because now she has no more pain.  If there is an other happy place for our pets after they die, then I'm sure Coco is in it.  

It's difficult for those who do not have pets to understand the sense of loss and I get that.  All I can tell you is that, over the years, with all the joy and laughter they bring you, our pets really do become a part of our families.  That's how it was with Coco.

One of the great sadnesses of life for pet owners is that our cats and dogs don't have the same life span that we do.  Maybe that's why they give so much in the short period that they are with us.  

In his epic book Dogwatching, Desmond Morris in the introduction said, and I paraphrase, "Dogs are courageous, selfless, brave, funny, protective and sometimes heroic.  They do things on a daily basis that if people did them they would name streets and schools after them."  I don't know about Coco being heroic, but she sure checked all the other boxes for this family.

She'll be missed...badly.  🙁  

Royal Guard
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My sincere condolences.

Palace Guard
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Thank you, Longtooth.  We draw comfort from knowing we did the right thing, but it still saddens us...  🙁

Soldier of Eternos
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I am sorry about your dog. None of my dogs ever got past 12 so you are kind of lucky in that respect. She had a long life.

Palace Guard
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Thanks to all for your thoughts.  We're healing...

We Have The Power Admin
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So sorry to hear about your Coco @theman . Losing a couple pets myself, it does feel cruel the limited lifespans that cats and dogs have, where other pets like cockatoos can live up to 60 years. Perhaps the old adage 'it's not the quantity but the quality' is what applies here, but it still feels unfair nevertheless. Deeply sorry!

We have the Power!

Palace Guard
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Agreed.  On balance it's why I have two much-loved and long-lived turtles -- Flash and Dash -- in a huge tank in my home office.  It gives me great comfort to watch them slowly swimming back and forth all day, and every time I approach their tank they come right to the glass and lift their heads up out of the water to greet me.  Obviously, nothing nearing a dog or cat, but they make up for it by being low maintenance.  🙂


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