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Health Issues Update

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I just thought I would send a little note that my left foot (what there is of it) is extremely painful right now, not only can I not walk on it, but I can't stand on it. I don't know what's wrong, but I have a podiatrist's appointment tomorrow. I admit I am scared because I don't want to lose any more than I have already lost. I'm on strong painkillers and I am either in a wheelchair or bedridden. 

I fear the infection has set in again (the colour and smell are off somehow). I had to take the leg brace boots off last night because they were crushing my feet and made the pain so much worse. I have a fever and I have to go to the hospital tomorrow for a check-up. I just hope they won't keep me in hospital. I couldn't stand anymore operations or to lose any more than I already have. I'm hoping all they do is start me on strong antibiotics again. If there were an emergency, surely the District Nurse who saw me today would have called the ambulance?

I don't want to cause anyone worry, but it's fair to let you guys know if something does happen, I am always grateful for your kindness and friendship.

At least I have the Grand Finale of MasterChef: Dessert Masters tonight to enjoy and share with you! I also have my sister and kittens and my CD's, DVD's and books, as well as all my friends to be grateful for.


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Sorry to hear this Mikey!

Sending you lots of positivity. I hope you get some good news tomorrow. 

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

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@daavid Thankyou Daavid, your kindness is much appreciated! Hug He-Ra

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Daavid reacted
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This infection sounds terrible whatever it is. I hope you are ok.

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@asterstar Thanks for your kindness! 😀

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Asterstar reacted
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Sorry you're going through this ordeal Mikey. Hopefully everything works out okay for you!

We have the Power!

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Well, I went to the hospital this morning for my check-up which I was dreading which is why I didn't sleep at all last night. They ran some tests and did X-Rays as well as cleaned up the nasty wounds on my feet. I was terrified they were going to force me to be admitted and do more surgeries, but to my surprise and relief, here was the care plan.

Two different but very strong antibiotics (oral - not needles and drips thankfully, you know how I feel about needles), I have to wear the leg brace boots during the day, but switch to shoe sized orthotic footwear so I can at least have some comfort at night. They want to see me in a week to see how I am progressing. They also gave me better pain killers.
I don't want to get too complacent or rejoice just yet, they've done this to me before. Send me home with the goods only to find something wrong in the tests and X-Rays and then call me back for intravenous antibiotics, or worse, surgeries and other bad stuff.

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Sounds like a positive to me. Hope the pain killers are helping. Time for you to relax a little I'd say! 

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

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Aw man sorry your going through this man, cool that you didn't have to stay in the hospital. I'm hoping for the best possible outcome and a speedy recovery.

𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚 • 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲
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@michaelholloway foot pain is the worst ! 😭 i actually had a bad ankle sprain towards the end of the summer, so i know your pain.

i'm glad to hear you're feeling better now, hon' 😊

thanks for keeping us updated and as the others have said, please plenty of rest


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Thanks again for the kind words and friendship!


Today I had another hospital appointment (I am really getting sick of this) and the first doctor I saw said my tests from last week showed positive for infection (despite the antibiotics). He wanted to send me to the Emergency Department (which I was all too ready to refuse) and he said the antibiotics were pointless. If they were so pointless, then why do my feet not only look a bit healthier, but feel a lot less pain than this time last week. I couldn't even put my feet on the floor, let alone walk. I still suffer from fibromyalgia and arthritis and my feet are a long way from being completely healed, but I have noticed the difference.

Thankfully, I was allowed a second opinion from another doctor and he was willing to keep me on antibiotics (oral not needles) and send me home. I have to go back next week for a check-up. The second doctor agreed about the presence of infection but the whole thing about putting me back in hospital seemed a little drastic at this stage. I would have accepted intravenous antibiotics - at home - but I just can't go through the whole hospital rigmarole again, and I am definitely NOT having any more surgeries!

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I have another hospital appointment on Wednesday (this is becoming exceedingly tiresome) so here's hoping they don't find anything out of the ordinary or worse. I feel the antibiotics are working, and the pain isn't any worse than it usually is. I really don't want to be in hospital over Christmas especially.

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I went to the hospital on Wednesday to have my feet examined. A while back, they feared I would lose the rest of my feet which absolutely terrified me, I just know I could not live like that and that nobody would love me if I was totally deformed. The infection appears to be receding, I don't want to be too complacent, because history has shown me that every time I believe I've reached the light at the end of a very dark tunnel, I seem to get pulled back into the darkness of this illness. However, I CAN say that the antibiotics have definitely done what they were supposed to do and I can thank them for bringing me along as far as they have on the road to recovery. I have noticed a decrease in pain and the fevers, nausea and other symptoms of septic shock and I was even able to go on a little shopping trip with my sister yesterday, something I have not been able to do for such a very long time.

I bought myself Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem and Blue Beetle on DVD and my sister added some more Hallmark Christmas movies to our collection, one with lovely and talented Alicia Witt (Not Ready For Christmas) and one with incredibly gorgeous Luke MacFarlane & Nikki De Loach (Christmas Land). There were a couple of scenes with a surprise guest star in the latter film, lovely and talented Cynthia Gibb - she had starred in Gypsy (with Bette Midler) many years ago. 😀 

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I had another hospital appointment today, and they said my feet seem to be getting better, there's not much sign of infection (that they can see) and that the wounds are receding (slowly). The pain I feel may have more to do with my fibromyalgia and arthritis than the nerve illness and septic shock that has ravaged me for years. They also said they don't need to see me again for another three weeks instead of the usual weekly visits. They also said they may consider taking me off the antibiotics, but that worries me because if history has proven anything, it's that being off antibiotics has caused flare ups to occur. Still, I am glad I am home for Christmas (instead of being stuck in hospital for the holidays which is what I was dreading). I wish you all a Merry Christmas. My other book I ordered (Masters Of The Universe: Masterverse) came in the mail today which was awesome.❤️

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Nice Christmas present. Better health and a motu book. Enjoy the Christmas. 

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

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I am absolutely terrified right now. My left foot has flared up since yesterday and it looks like a bulbous mass is growing out of my foot and it hurts. The home nurse is coming out today as usual and I am scared they will take one look and send me back to hospital. At best, they might have to take the mass and at worst I fear I might lose my foot. I want to think about the best option and I honestly don't think I could live without both feet intact. I may also have to have some of my teeth fixed to clear up some of the damage caused by my medications. I thought I would have a better year in 2024, but so far it has been scary. I am so sorry to be a bother to you all, but you have all been so kind to me and other than my sister, I have no one else to reach out to. I'm hoping another course of strong antibiotics will help repair some of this damage so I get to recuperate at home - intact.

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Posted by: @michaelholloway

I am absolutely terrified right now. My left foot has flared up since yesterday and it looks like a bulbous mass is growing out of my foot and it hurts. The home nurse is coming out today as usual and I am scared they will take one look and send me back to hospital. At best, they might have to take the mass and at worst I fear I might lose my foot. I want to think about the best option and I honestly don't think I could live without both feet intact. I may also have to have some of my teeth fixed to clear up some of the damage caused by my medications. I thought I would have a better year in 2024, but so far it has been scary. I am so sorry to be a bother to you all, but you have all been so kind to me and other than my sister, I have no one else to reach out to. I'm hoping another course of strong antibiotics will help repair some of this damage so I get to recuperate at home - intact.

Best wishes, man.  That's rough.


Adam_Prince of Eternia
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If people knew the nature of your illness, they may be able to offer helpful suggestions.

I had kidney surgery last March, and reading the experiences of people who had the same procedure was more helpful than the information the surgeon and nurse provided. People who had already been through the experience had qualitative information about what treatment and recovery was like, and which approaches were most effective.

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Posted by: @michaelholloway

I am absolutely terrified right now. My left foot has flared up since yesterday and it looks like a bulbous mass is growing out of my foot and it hurts. The home nurse is coming out today as usual and I am scared they will take one look and send me back to hospital. At best, they might have to take the mass and at worst I fear I might lose my foot. I want to think about the best option and I honestly don't think I could live without both feet intact. I may also have to have some of my teeth fixed to clear up some of the damage caused by my medications. I thought I would have a better year in 2024, but so far it has been scary. I am so sorry to be a bother to you all, but you have all been so kind to me and other than my sister, I have no one else to reach out to. I'm hoping another course of strong antibiotics will help repair some of this damage so I get to recuperate at home - intact.

Can't imagine what it is like to deal with. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery and a better 2024!


𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚 • 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲
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@michaelholloway all the best hun, i hope that you will have plenty of rest too ❤️

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Thankyou again for all the kind words. 😀 

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I had another bunch of tests on Wednesday and they said the infection was receding somewhat, and then they suggested surgery to fix some other problem (which made my heart nearly stop) but they said that would be a last resort and that my leg braces and antibiotics would suffice for now. All day at the hospital made me so exhausted that I slept all day Thursday.

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@michaelholloway feel better bro


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Praying for your continued recovery, man.

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