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Hi guys, this is just a fanart I just made. Since everyone is going crazy about Masterverse, I did a fanart of Bow from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, where somehow, he gets his hands on the MOTU: Revelation version of the Power Sword (Or a similar variant to it). Since anyone can apparently call on the Power of Grayskull in that universe with the Sword, I was curious, what would Bow turn into as far as his Champion Form? I've played with this idea for over a year, and this is finally what I've come up with, what do you all think?Â
Edit: I also added his original promotional art to compare the differences.Â
I like that as a young King grayskullÂ
@skeledog I never thought of it like that until you just said somthing. Maybe if there was ever a story based on this design, maybe Bow would see a statue of Grayskull in the Revelation universe and notices this as well.
I think this is a cool concept! I do wish that he had a mustache like classic bow though.
@SkeleDOG I also like this as a young king grayskullÂ
@tawzoo I could edit it and give him one. Honestly I wasn't sure about it.
Another vote for the stache!
@admin can we get poll creation in these forums bro?