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I guess this topic would go here, if not I apologize. I've been grabbing up pieces of my son's toys that are either throw away packaging or things he no longer plays with. Currently painting this half egg as a cauldron and the packaging from some dinosaur treasure toys as prison cells.
Nice dude! A bone prison. I wonder who that belongs to 😂
Thanks guys. We made that brick wall in the background, just need to finish painting it up. I have some fake grass coming in the mail hopefully soon so can actually start building up the diorama. In this pic you can see the base I'm also working on for castle grayskull. Plan is to have grayskull on one side and Snake Mountain on the other, with a battle going on in the middle. This is also just a quick setup in the living room trying to figure out sizes and all that.
@ravewayneboo Have You checked out what @ryanwimmer1234 did? This might give you some inspiration.🙂
We have the Power!
@admin OMG dude that is amazing!! Thanks for sharing, although you might get me killed by my GF since I think I'm gonna need so much more room now lol
@admin sorry to double tag you my guy but I just took a better look at this ( was at work when I first saw it) and read all the comments about what was happening in each scene. I'm starting to love this place lol, so glad to have my MOTU passion back and to see people who feel the same.
@ravewayneboo it is nice being single, I can take up all the room I want. I’ve actually considered expanding it into a larger part of basement, not sure how practical it would be, but it’s a lot of fun.
@ryanwimmer1234 haha yeah I sometimes could see the perks. My GF is super cool tho with us taking up room for dioramas, I just like to joke around. We also have a huge basement but I don't know if I could keep our pets from messing with it if I set up down there. I'll figure that out tho when I have more of the set completed. I want to make it where it's in sections so it can be moved easily. I might hit you up in a thread asking for advice if I get get stumped on how to make something. Did you use all real rocks or something else? I was gonna make a bunch for scenery that could also be light enough to be posable with the figures. I make this 1 one real quick the other day just to try.
Sorry don't know how to add more than one pic to the post. One more pic....
@ravewayneboo that looks good! There are ways to make real looking rocks for sure. The rocks on the mountains I made are not real, those came with the set.
@ryanwimmer1234 thanks man. Yeah I might mix in some real rocks also and just make some that can be used for action scenes. Again thanks for your help
Our stand-in for King Randor and Mechaneck untill they are released.
@ravewayneboo @ryanwimmer1234 I wish I was creative like you guys!
@he-dad bro I literally just got into making my diorama, first one we are gonna attempt. I kept planning and just gathering things but didn't think anything would come out good. That rock I made was first try at making one out of a part of foam that was laying around. I saw a YT vid of some guy making a mountain out of foam and he made it so easy the way he explained it, and he even says in the vid you just gotta try and jump into it. I said screw it even if it sucks I will hopefully get better. But now it's so much fun to do with my son I don't care if it didn't look good as long as we have a good time playing and creating. I don't know if we are aloud to post random people's YT vids so I'll try to find it and PM you broski.