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Last seen: Dec 20, 2024
There's also an early episode, I think Duel at Devlin, where troopers order food at the place. I believe early on they were going to be like Star Wars...
Is there a specific MOTU reference in Leatherhead's design? I feel like his helmet and the pattern on his vest are based off some character or vehicle...
Oh hell no! He was a terrible Joker, don't let him ruin another iconic villain!
@mighty-thanos As a third party outside observer who read through both sides of the argument I'm afraid I must say Lord of Destruction is correct: you...
I must admit I'm curious how they can blend these besides simply making Thundercats in MOTU Origins style. Lion-O in furry shorts? I did like how the...
I"m still searching for Mer Man. He never went up for pre order that I know of and no luck finding him anywhere.
Oh yeah the whole retro carded reissue thing is annoying. I went and paid extra on the secondary market for the original Baroness release when it came...
Given that they made Evil-Lyn the wrong color and didn't even include her cape I wouldn't get my hopes up. I'm more hoping for Glimmer before Frost...