Unproduced vintage figure designs revealed for ”Masters of the Universe” 1987 Movie KARG and SKELETOR TROOPER

During the lead up to the classic 1987 live-action film “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” staring Dolph Lundgren and Frank Langella, Mattel produced new figures inspired by characters from the movie. An action figure line-up that would have certainly grown if the movie and toys were more successful… Blade, Saurod and Gwildor ultimately […]

Official Prototype and Packaging images released for the Masters of the Universe: Origins MODULOK action figure

The “Evil beast of a thousand bodies” returns! We now have official packaging and prototype pictures for the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins Modulok action figure! Wow! Check out these terrific images: The release date is still unknown for the Masters of the Universe: Origins MODULOK action figure but we will keep you updated […]

RUMOR: Is Stunt Puppet Pictures working on a ”big new project” for Masters of the Universe?

Well this is interesting. Over the past few years, Stunt Puppet Pictures has made some amazing promotional videos for the Masters of the Universe action figure lines. Masters themselves of stop motion animation, the amazingly talented Justin Rasch, Shel Rasch and their family owned full production studio have spectacularly animated both Origins and Masterverse action […]

NEW Mondo NYCC Masters of the Universe Deluxe 1/6 Scale FAKER online exclusive figure dropping Thursday, October 17th

Faker returns to Mondo! Back in March of 2019, Mondo released a “Masters of the Universe” 1:6 Scale Action Figure of Faker. Featuring over 30 points of articulation, fabric costume elements and many accessories, this Faker figure was billed as “the most powerfully fake figure you will ever find.” Well now that claim may be […]

Prototype pics released for Origins “Turtles of Grayskull” MICHELANGELO, LEONARDO, MUTATED NINJOR and CLAMP CHAMP figures

Back in July, we reported on the official prototype images of what appeared to be the next wave of the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Turtles of Grayskull” action figure line: Rattlor, Rafael, Donatello and Mekaneck. Well now we have prototype pictures of what appears to be the next wave after that! Check them out: […]

Official Promotional Pics released for the Origins ”Cartoon Collection” MANTENNA and RAM MAN

We now have more official promotional pictures to show you for the upcoming He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Mantenna and Ram Man action figures! First up is Mantenna. Check out these terrific images: Next up is Ram Man: The He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Mantenna […]

Official Promotional Pics released for the Origins ”Cartoon Collection” 40th Anniversary SHE-RA Figure

“For the honor of Grayskull, I am She-Ra!” We now have official promotional pictures for the upcoming He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” She-Ra 40th Anniversary action figure! Check out these terrific images: The He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” She-Ra 40th Anniversary figure is expected to […]

New Pics & Details revealed for the Masters of the Universe: Origins DEMO-MAN Action Figure coming September 25th

We have new pictures and details for the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins DEMO-MAN action figure that goes on sale next week exclusively through Mattel Creations! Check it out: Two heads may be better than one, but when it comes to MOTU villains, three heads are badder than one. Our Masters of The Universe Demo-Man figure makes […]

Promo Pictures revealed for the (apparent) WAVE 15 of the MASTERVERSE Action Figure line

We now have official promotional pictures for what appears to be the next wave of the Masterverse action figure line! Those figures are: MASTERVERSE WAVE 15 (unconfirmed as core wave) And now we have some promotional imagery to share! Check it out: New Eternia – Flying Fist He-Man New Eternia – Evil-Lyn New Eternia – […]

New SKELETOR Masterverse figure revealed in a brand new subline titled the ”VINTAGE COLLECTION”!

Wow, this is exciting Masterverse fans! It appears that Mattel has created a brand new subline for their Masterverse action figure line called the “Vintage Collection“! And the first figure revealed in that subline is the Evil Lord of Destruction himself… Skeletor! It seems this new Masterverse subline will be similar to the Classics line, […]

Promotional Pics reveal a better look at DONATELLO, MEKANECK, RATTLOR and RAPHAEL from the Origins ”Turtles of Grayskull” action figure line

Some promotional photographs are now available for four upcoming action figures from the “Reptile Wars” Masters of the Universe: Origins “Turtles of Grayskull” line giving fans a better insight on how Donatello, Mekaneck, Rattlor and Raphael will look in their collection. Check it out: “Turtles of Grayskull” Donatello “Turtles of Grayskull” Mekaneck “Turtles of Grayskull” Rattlor […]

Promotional Pics reveal a better look at TRI-KLOPS, HORDAK and MAN-E-FACES from the Origins ”Cartoon Collection” action figure line

Some promotional photographs are now available for three upcoming action figures from the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” line giving fans a better insight on how Tri-Klops, Hordak and Man-E-Faces will look in their collection. Check it out: “Cartoon Collection” Tri-Klops “Cartoon Collection” Hordak “Cartoon Collection” Man-E-Faces As soon as […]

A closer look at the art and headsculpt for the Origins ”Cartoon Collection” RAM MAN Action Figure

This past Saturday, Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed lower resolution images of the packaging for the upcoming He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” RAM MAN action figure. But today, we not only have higher resolution images of the of the packaging itself, but the artwork and Ram Man’s headsculpt as well. First, we begin with a better look […]

New Report
