These new catalogs are coming rapid fire!
Shortly after Mattel revealed through their official Masters of the Universe social media accounts the new “Masters of the Universe: Origins ” Spring 2025 Catalog, Mattel dropped a third catalog this time for Masters of the Universe: Masterverse, with “select figures” available for pre-order right now! First check out the catalog:

UPDATE: Here are official prototype pictures for some of these upcoming Masters of the Universe: Masterverse figures.

Second Update: We now have a look at the front packaging for the Masters of the Universe: Masterverse “New Eternia” EVIL-LYN, FISTO and FLYING FISTS HE-MAN figures, now available for pre-order at fan channel retailers.

In regards to what figures are currently available for pre-order… the select figures in the below image are now for available for pre-order at fan channel retailers like and! (No affiliation).

Wow! We’ll see you next time!
I got me an Evil-Lyn!
Just placed my preorder for NE Fisto. My first time ever preordering anything. The anticipation is too much!
So is that it for Revolution figures? We won’t be getting a hunky He-Man or Tri-sorceress?
@ninadust I wouldn’t count them out just yet. They could be Mattel Creations exclusives if nothing else
@he-metayer You are so sweet to reassure me. I hope you’re right.
Another New Eternia Beast Man? Why?
Dammmmn that He-Man be ugly!
Love Masterverse! It’s becoming my Favorite line next to Classics!
@he-ron Masterverse got some awesome figures but they still can’t get He-Man’s face right. 😂
@gettinhighlander agreed 👍🏿
New Eternia be killin it lately!
It’s sad. We really need a handsome He-Man head for once in this line.
I’m keeping three figures on my target: Skeletor Vintage Collection, Evil lyn and Fisto.
Skeletor is surely the first, to be paired with my 40th Anniversary He Man.
The other 2 figures I doubt I’ll preorder them for money reasons.
I really don’t know why there is another New Eternia Beast Man. Mattel is desperate to milk any cent from us, huh?!
New Eternia this whole batch, not really collecting those but the Evil-Lyn looks neat.
I dig the hell out of them all. I think Fisto could have benefited greatly from a belt similar to the Classics version. One of y’all brilliant 3d artists get on that. I’d pay $20 for it and thank you for the pleasure.
I’m definitely getting Evil-Lyn just for the cape alone
Mattel didn’t shy away from the cleavage.
@asterstar I dunno – they definitely should have been bigger.
Welp! I’ve pre-ordered New Eternia Flying Fist He-Man, Evil-Lyn, Fisto, and a Skelton.