Mattel previews Origins EXTENDAR Mattel Creations Exclusive figure ahead of May 22nd order date

Mattel Creations has just previewed their upcoming exclusive Masters of the Universe; Origins Extendar figure ahead of next week’s order date. Check it out: The Masters of the Universe; Origins Extendar figure goes up for pe-sale/sale on the Mattel Creations website this Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024 at 9am PT. And thanks to our awesome community member […]

*UPDATED* Full Packaging revealed for Masters of the Universe: Origins HORDE TROOPER PRIME Figure

Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the terrific packaging for the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins HORDE TROOPER PRIME figure today! With artwork by the very talented Francisco Etchart, the packaging looks fantastic! Check it out: UPDATE: MORE ART! The Masters of the Universe: Origins Horde Trooper Prime will be available later this year, […]

Full Packaging and Artwork for ”Cartoon Classics” EVIL-LYN Origins Figure

Today we have a full packaging reveal for Evil-Lyn from the ‘Cartoon Collection ” Masters of the Universe: Origins action figure line! Check it out: The Masters of the Universe “Cartoon Collection ” Evil-Lyn is available for pre-order now at your favorite fan channel retailer and expected to be officially released around July 2024. We’ll […]

Masters of the Universe: Origins EXTENDAR Mattel Creations Exclusive figure goes on sale May 22nd

We finally have an order date for the Heroic Master of Extension! First announced at the San Diego International Comic-Con in 2023, to this point we have yet to learn the release date for the Masters of the Universe: Origins Extendar figure. But now, thanks to the ‘heads up‘ of our awesome community member @smitty-81, […]

Mattel releases their seventh animated Masters of the Universe Origins MiniComic titled ”Rock and a Hard Place”

Mattel has transformed (with the power of Grayskull) their seventh Masters of the Universe minicomic from their Origins toyline into a motion comic! If you didn’t know, a motion comic is an animated comic that takes static comic art and combines it with animated elements, music, and sound effects. And the latest comic Mattel has adapted […]

Full Packaging and Artwork reveal for the new Masters of the Universe: Origins ”Cartoon Collection” Prince Adam and Cringer 2-pack

Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the terrific packaging for the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” PRINCE ADAM and CRINGER two-pack today! With artwork by the very talented Francisco Etchart, this packaging looks so amazing, collectors will be hard pressed to keep their figures inside the beautiful box! Check it out: The Masters of […]

Full Packaging and Artwork reveal for the new Masters of the Universe: Origins ”Stranger Things” Skeletor & Demogorgon 2-pack

Today we have a full packaging reveal for the “Stranger Things” Skeletor & Demogorgon 2-pack from the Masters of the Universe: Origins action figure line. Check it out: The new Masters of the Universe: Origins “Stranger Things” Skeletor & Demogorgon 2-pack is a Target Exclusive and starting to appear in stores now. And thanks to awesome […]

Exclusive TOYPLOSION Flying Fists He-Man & Terror Claws Skeletor Origins 2-pack and print announced

A special Masters of the Universe: Origins Flying Fists He-Man & Terror Claws Skeletor figure 2-pack has been announced! Limited to 700 pieces, this set will be exclusive to the “most powerful retro toyshow” in Germany… “Toyplosion”. Here are all the details per TOYPLOSION: “You’ve been waiting for it for a long time, there was […]

Full Packaging and Artwork reveal for ”Turtles of Grayskull” CASEY JONES Origins Figure

Today we have a full packaging reveal for Casey Jones from the upcoming ‘Turtles of Grayskull” Masters of the Universe: Origins action figure line! Check it out: The Masters of the Universe “Turtles of Grayskull” Casey Jones is available for pre-order now at your favorite fan channel retailer and expected to be released around June 2024. […]

Packaging and Artwork revealed for the Masters of the Universe: Origins Necro-Conda figure

Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed a sneak peek at the terrific artwork and packaging for the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Necro-Conda figure today! So let’s wassssssste no time and take a look: The Reanimated Snake Men Solider Necro-Conda is due out this Spring 2024 as a Walmart Exclusive figure. We’ll see next time!

Full Packaging and Artwork reveals for ”Turtles of Grayskull” TEELA, SKELETOR and MICHELANGELO Origins Figures

It is amazing to see how quickly the ‘Turtles of Grayskull” Masters of the Universe: Origins action figure line has grown within such a short period of time. And today we finally have full packaging reveals for three more upcoming “Turtles of Grayskull” figures…. Teela, Skeletor and Michelangelo… thanks to a very awesome community member! […]

Mattel releases spectacular packaging artwork for Origins ”Cartoon Collection” Collector vehicle

Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the terrific artwork for the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Collector Vehicle packaging today! Illustrated by the talented Axel Gimenez and Francisco Etchart, check out this brilliant illustration: And here is the display depicted on the back of the packaging: Available for pre-order now at your favorite […]

*UPDATE: Pre-Orders are Live!* ORDERING INFO for Today’s Masterverse and Origins action figure Fall Catalog

UPDATE! PRE-ORDERS are LIVE! Earlier than expected, some retailers already started taking orders for the Fall 2024 Catalog of Masterverse, Origins & Turtles of Grayskull figures. Good luck today! BBTS: (no affiliation) EE: (no affiliation) What a day! Mattel revealed a full catalog of exciting Masters of the Universe related action figures on […]

*UPDATED* NEW ORIGINS FIGURES! Pre-Orders begin tomorrow for the Masters of the Universe Summer & Fall 2024 Catalog

Well this news broke earlier than anticipated! Mattel has just dropped on their social media pages that pre-orders will be taken tomorrow for the Masters of the Universe Summer and Fall 2024 Catalog! Here is what Mattel had to say: MATTEL: “Introducing the powerful new figures coming to the Masters of the Universe Origins Cartoon […]

FOR ETERNIA LATE NIGHT! Podcasting with Mega Jay and Mad Hatter talking toy flipping and scalpers, ”Flip-Or” and more!

Our 22nd Episode of the Official Podcast for has hit the airwaves! Join AJ and Jay (star of the Mega Jay Retro channel on YouTube) and Hatter (star of Mad Hatter Reviews on YouTube) as they have a fun and open conversation that goes wherever the night takes them. In tonight’s show they discuss […]

GELDOR and DEMO-MAN coming to the Masters of the Universe: Origins action figure line

During today’s exciting Mattel Creations: REVEALED Masters of the Universe Virtual Event, Mattel teased another two awesome figures coming our way: the Masters of the Universe: Origins Geldor and Demo-Man figures! Details are scarce, but we do know Mattel reiterated (thanks to a short question & answer period) that they do intend to complete the […]

A better look at the Prince Adam, Cringer and Evil-Lyn Origins ”Cartoon Collection” figures

During today’s exciting Mattel Creations: REVEALED Masters of the Universe Virtual Event, Mattel teased a better look at their Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Prince Adam, Cringer and Evil-Lyn figures. Unfortunately, Mattel didn’t discuss anything about these three figures. They were only seen while discussing the terrific stop-motion animation shorts used to promote […]

New Catalog for TURTLES OF GRAYSKULL Masters of the Universe: Origins figures has been revealed!

Today we are expecting new catalog reveals for the Masters of the Universe Masterverse and Origins sublines, and it all excitingly starts with Masters of the Universe Origins “Turtles of Grayskull” catalog! Revealed to the world over 8 hours ago by Ethan from 2nd Time Around Toys and Comics on Instagram, this is an exciting […]

New Report
