Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed a sneak peek at the terrific artwork and packaging for the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Necro-Conda figure today!
So let’s wassssssste no time and take a look:

The Reanimated Snake Men Solider Necro-Conda is due out this Spring 2024 as a Walmart Exclusive figure. We’ll see next time!
I like that art. It reminds me of the fantasy novels I used to read.
Beautiful artwork per usual, but it does give me an idea from my head canon. Necr-conda is the physical/ghostly embodiment of Lady Slither’s staff. BOOM!
Word is that he might possibly be a Mattel Creations exclusive instead. That would be awesome.
That would be great… though I wonder if the bio is simply something that’s the back of a trading card (rather than a mini-comic) that’ll be packed in with this figure. I saw on ToyHabits yesterday that they speculated that the bio, since it’s similar to what they did with Lady Slither’s packaging, meant this was now a Mattel Creations release. But I don’t think they have any actual facts to back that up.