It is time to save those dates! More “Masters of the Universe” Exclusives are coming to the Mattel Creations website.
While it was no secret that an exclusive “Masters of the Universe” action figure would likely be offered at the Mattel Creations REVEALED livestream event this Thursday, March 6th... what is surprising is another MOTU Exclusive item will not be far behind.
Yes, the Mattel Creations UK website is indicating another Eternia or Etheria themed item will be exclusively offered on Mattel Creations Tuesday, April 8th. Check it out:

We assume one of these will be the long awaited Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” Vultak figure teased at last year’s San Diego International Comic-Con.

Is the additional date the point where the Club Grayskull exclusive figure will be available to order, or is it something entirely different? We shall see.
Thanks to the always awesome @motuoriginscork for the ‘heads up’!
We’ll see you next time!
It could be the Masterverse movie Blade.
@mighty-thanos I’d be happy if this were one of the reveals.
It’s probably something Powers of Grayskull.
Please finally be Origins POG stuff – we’ve been blue-balled for too long…
Gimme my Stonedar and I can finally put this line to rest, unless you change your mind and give us a few more vintage vehicles, Mattel ^^
Really nothing else left I am looking forward to, except the Fright Zone, but that is apparently already a given, so no need to beg for it 😛
If I were Mattel, I would consider She-Ra’s 40th anniversary for just about any slot available for the occasion; Mantisaur as a mount, for example, would be a perfect candidate here, knowing that the vintage Fright Zone has just been revealed. Sadly, something whispers in my ear that it’s going to be pushed aside once again…
It’s probably Vultak.
Are they showing a lot at this thing? I felt like last time they spent a hour talking about one REVEALED item. Going over every meticulous item. …Like where they sourced the cardboard from for the packaging. 🤪
Tbf, they showed quite a bit at NYTF. That said, I don’t think they realise the damage that’s been done with unfinished lines as they start new ones! There’s a growing amount of people walking away or they have done already, and they aren’t being replaced. The sublines in Origins are now crazy never mind Masterverse.
They need an emphasis on Vintage to reassure folks. A way to show commitment and stretch the lines out as they obviously intend is to do more vehicles. The Ram would be a surefire win. There’s quite a few vehicles and mounts that are basic too, like Bashasauras, Laser Bolt, Jet Sled, Mantisaur, Bionatops… pair them with a figure for a guaranteed sale on Cretins.
@sketchyskeletor Just about everything they showed at NYTF had already been leaked by Toy Habits a while ago, so there were no real surprises. I fully expect to be wowed by fresh reveals on the 6th. Don’t let me down, Mattel. Time for a full calendar year rollout.
@durendal I hope you’re right. Gimme a handful of Masterverse reveals and I’ll be happy.
I miss the days of Classics reveals where I was always excited …
We mostly didn’t know what they looked like though. And, well, state of that She-Ra and Terror Claws…
Laser power He-man/Skeletor for Origins seems kind of likely. The rest… no idea, really no idea. Suprise me, Mattel.