Next year, “The Secret of the Sword” turns 40.

Also known as “He-Man and She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword“, it was 39 years ago when this animated film featuring the most powerful man in the universe and the origin of his equally powerful twin sister, debuted in theaters worldwide on March 22nd, 1985.

Starring John Erwin as He-Man and Melendy Britt as She-Ra and comprised of an edited compilation of the first five episodes of the brand new series “She-Ra: Princess of Power“, this Filmation production made history as the first official wide release Masters of the Universe feature film.

Next year, on March 22nd, 2025, “The Secret of the Sword” hits a very important landmark: its 40th Anniversary. And what better way to celebrate this film’s 40th birthday than for fans to see it in the movie theater again (or for their very first time!)

Anniversary theatrical releases are all the rage these days. For instance, the 1984 film “Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock” will be re-released in theaters across the UK this June 14th to celebrate its 40th Anniversary.

And only 9 days ago, the 40th Anniversary of the 1984 classic animated series “Transformers” was celebrated on the big screen through Trafalgar Releasing (the global leader in Event Cinema distribution) that packaged the first four episodes of the iconic animated series with a table read with stars like Peter Cullen… plus advertisements for upcoming Transformers shows and toys!

We sure would have loved something like this for the “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” television series (that celebrated its 40th Birthday last year) but thanks to the brilliant idea by our awesome community member @firefly, we still have time to make it happen for “The Secret of the Sword“!

Let Mattel, Trafalgar Releasing, Fathom Events, Fandango and perhaps most importantly Dreamworks NBCUNIVERSAL know (the current rights holder to “The Secret of the Sword“) that the fans would love a 40th Anniversary event to celebrate this landmark animated film in cinemas!
Message, comment and/or tag them (politely) in social media … share For Eternia’s posts about this topic… and show your support for a March 22nd, 2025 celebration and cinema re-release of “The Secret of the Sword“.
CONTACT INFO: (Please be respectful and polite!)
Dreamworks NBCUNIVERSAL Official Social Media Accounts:
- Instagram: (Direct Messages Permitted)
- X / Twitter
Mattel’s Official “Masters of the Universe” Official Social Media Accounts:
- Instagram (Direct Messages Permitted)
- X / Twitter
Trafalgar Releasing Official Social Media Accounts:
- Instagram (Direct Messages Permitted)
- X / Twitter
Fathom Events Official Social Media Accounts:
- Instagram (Direct Messages Permitted)
- Facebook (Direct Messages Permitted)
- X / Twitter
Fandango Official Social Media Accounts:
- Instagram (Direct Messages Permitted)
- Facebook (Direct Messages Permitted)
- X / Twitter
Thanks again to the awesome @firefly for lighting this spark and let’s make a 40th Anniversary cinema re-release of “He-Man and She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword” a reality!
We’ll see you next time!
We need He-Man & She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword back in theaters in 2025 for its 40th Anniversary. I’m not talking a couple local theaters, but a Fathom type event like has happened for recent 35th anniversaries of the animated Transformers and G.I. Joe 80s movies. Transformers is even releasing its first 4 episodes in theaters this weekend for the 40th anniversary of the G1 show. I think our best bet it to pepper Fathom, Universal-Dreamworks, Mattel, and anyone else on their social media accounts about it. Even just a handful of people suggesting it might be enough to get the thought in Fathom’s head.
This is so outstanding idea. Perhaps this site would be willing to lead the charge.
I 💗 this idea! Do we start one of those online petitions?
I never saw anything He-Man or She-Ra at the movies so add me to the list! I would love to watch this with my fellow MOTU COMMUNITY!
This probably wouldn’t screen near me but I will help. Dreamworks owns it right? We can also message them. Do you think they would need Mattel’s permission to do this?
I think any company that could be attached even slightly would be good to bug, so I’d say yes to DreamWorks, Mattel, Masters of the Universe official accounts, etc.. When I saw Shout Factory was involved with the Transformers: The Movie 35th release anny extras, I made sure to ask them about a 35th anny release of G.I. Joe: The Movie since they are both Hasbro properties and Shout did the DVD releases of both.
Great idea @firefly ! I love that you thought of this so far in advance where there is time to legitimately make this happen. I will also put together an article for it, this week, with ways to contact the necessary parties. If you would like to write it, feel free, but if not, I am certainly going to credit you for it! 🙂
Yay! I can’t wait to read it!
Wonderful! I am looking forward to the article. Perhaps this call to action will be answered and this old geezer can add another item to his bucket list!
You can go ahead and write it up, AJ. Thanks.
I just got back from a 40th anniversary showing of the first 4 episodes of Transformers. Even though the episodes weren’t originally meant for theaters, they still looked good. It was in one of their smaller theaters there, but close to a sellout. I believe Hasbro used a company called Trafalgar Releasing over Fathom for this particular event.
OH HELL YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nicely done.
This is awesome! Family trip to the movies surrounded by my motu friends! Please let this happen!
I hope this works!
Also I’ll be the only one who cares but that is one handsome Star Trek 3 poster!
@asterstar oh i care 😉
i’m a huge trekkie girl ! i wonder if they will give away copies of that exact poster as a freebie w a movie ticket
mad props to you @firefly for this gift of an idea and to you our lovely aj @admin for sharing it with us all in community post.
a re-release of one of my childhood favs ! let’s make it happen, we have the power (as does mattel, dreamworks et al…..they just have to be reminded that they do lol)
a 2025 re-release of SOTS would do absolute wonders to boost public interest in the MoTU brand ahead of the 2026 release of the live-action movie. kinda like what fox did for star wars in the late 90’s, remember when they re-released the original trilogy in preparation for the release of phantom menace?
if they re-release secret of the sword, it will serve to remind lifelong fans such as us of why it is we love he-man in the first place, it would also double as a great introduction to the MoTU world for newcomers and little ones.
on aj’s YouTube post, there is a comment underneath from an 18 year old user who says that this generation NEEDS he-man.
Props from me too! This post is perfect! I would love to watch this with my fellow MOTU FANS and discuss our experiences here afterwards! I’m so excited about the possibility. I never saw anything He-Man or She-Ra at the movies and nothing would make me happier than seeing Filmation He-Man and She-Ra. The best kind!
Not just releasing it but remastering it would be a big draw. Now with AI I’m sure whoever re-releases it can do it on the cheap.
Better do it with the Secret of the Sword than the Christmas Special. I just watched that again recently and it’s awful.
So you know Melendy Britt shared this post on Facebook! 𓆩♡𓆪
That is so exciting! Now we need John Irwin to help. Where is John Irwin? He needs to help too. I wish there was a way our MOTU community can get in touch with him.
He is 87 years old, retired, has no online presence, and declines all offers to participate in fandom.
But why? Is he embarrassed by the adults who still love He-Man and are kids at heart and still buy the toys?
Some people who know him said he doesn’t like crowds.
You never know it might be anxiety.
It was so awesome of her to do that! 🙂
@admin She cares about the fans
OMG! 🙀 I didn’t know she was on facebook can you post a link?
While I would attend it is too bad this collection of episodes is not the best representation of either series. I would prefer a showing of fan favourite episodes instead.
Alan Oppenheimer talks about John Erwin in this link:
Awhile back, I wrote John Erwin a letter through his talent agency on what he meant to my kids and I and he wrote me a nice letter back and autographed a few MOTU trading cards I had sent in. I don’t think he does that very often.
I think Melendy Britt was reluctant at first too, but now she does cons a decent amount.
Anyways, don’t forget to contact the companies in the nice article AJ put together.
@firefly He sent you autographs? That is cool I have to try that! John Erwin signatures are so rare!
It was 7 to 10 years ago and I talked to whomever his talent agency was at the time first and sent in something I didn’t care if I ultimately didn’t back along with a postage paid envelop. Not sure if he even does it now or even very often when he did it for me, because I’ve seen posts where autograph seekers said they had no luck. It was more me just sending a fan letter than anything and I lucked out with a response. I doubt he’d be signing like Origins action figures even if he were still responding to some.
@firefly I read on John’s Wikipedia page that he moved into a retirement community.
@admin Don’t let up. You are doing great!
I agree it is a good movie and people that have never seen it can
Wouldn’t it be amazing if they hand out comics to fans like they did in 1985?
I would love to see this. I didn’t get to see it in theater’s but got it on VHS right away. I don’t know if it would come to Canada.
So have people here been actually contacting these companies? If we don’t do it, no one will.
I did, but heard nothing.
I did as well and the result was the same.
@firefly I sent messages to a few places.
The anniversary is this weekend. Are there no screenings anywhere?
Kinda sad, if so.
Alamo Drafthouse should have jumped on this…
Are there any reels / prints of the movie in existence?