40 YEARS OF SHE-RA! Recounting the historic origin of She-Ra as told by Lou Scheimer

Today, She-Ra: Princess of Power, turns 40. With Mattel’s “Princess of Power” figure line arriving in toy stores (and in children’s hearts) back in the Summer of 1985… …the Filmation company was the first to introduce He-Man’s twin sister to the masses several months earlier on March 22nd, 1985. That is when the theatrical film […]

Talking the Complex life of Filmation & Disney Animator Mike Toth with daughter Christine Vergara

Our 36th Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com titled “The Bitter Rose” has hit the airwaves. Join us in our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where AJ and Christine Vergara discuss the life of her late father, Filmation and Disney Renaissance Era animator Mike Toth (Fat Albert, He-Man, She-Ra, Beauty and […]

He-Man & She-Ra Filmation Animator Mike Toth has passed away

We have sad news to report. “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” and “She-Ra Princess of Power” animator Mike Toth has passed away. An animator with a long illustrious resume including being part of Disney’s animation renaissance era of the 1990’s, Mike Toth began his career at Filmation Studios. It is at Filmation where […]

She-Ra and He-Man and Blade, Oh My! GRIFFIN NEWMAN will host star-studded Masters of the Universe SDCC ACTION FIGURE Panel!

By the Honor and Power of Grayskull! Orko is coming to this month’s San Diego Comic-Con and he is bringing She-Ra, He-Man and Blade with him! That’s right! It has just been revealed that Griffin Newman, Masters of the Universe: Revelation and Revolution’s own beloved Orko, will be moderating a panel where he will interview […]

Plaion Pictures announces new Blu-Ray HD set of ”He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” Volume One

Back in late 2022, a new ultimate boxset was announced by the German company Plaion Pictures called “The Eternia Collection” that (among other bonus material) housed 20 Blu-Ray discs that featured every episode of the classic Filmation animated series “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” and “She-Ra: Princess of Power” remastered in HD (High […]

Help us make a 40th Anniversary Cinema Re-Release of ”He-Man and She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword” a Reality!

Next year, “The Secret of the Sword” turns 40. Also known as “He-Man and She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword“, it was 39 years ago when this animated film featuring the most powerful man in the universe and the origin of his equally powerful twin sister, debuted in theaters worldwide on March 22nd, 1985. Starring John […]

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