This past August, we asked you to tell us your favorite episodes from the classic 1983 Filmation “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” in honor of the classic show’s 40th Anniversary!

Well your answers have finally been compiled and now we are excited to present the TOP-10 Fan Favorite Episodes, 40th Anniversary Edition, with Storyboard Artist and Writer Robert Lamb!
You can Watch this TOP-10 Countdown directly on YouTube by CLICKING HERE, or just by watching below:
After the podcast, you can also catch up with everything Robert Lamb at the following destinations:
- Robert’s Website:
- Robert’s Online Store:
- Robert’s YouTube Lamb’s End channel:
- Robert’s Facebook Lamb’s End page:
We’ll see you next time!
Don’t hate me everybody but am I the only one who thinks The problem with Power episode is a little overrated?