If you haven’t heard already, Mattel announced at their “Masters of the Universe in the Making : Action Figure Design Panel and Product Reveal” at San Diego Comic-Con that starting in 2024, they will be moving their vintage Masters of the Universe: Origins figure line exclusively to Mattel Creations (creations.mattel.com) and out of retail. This means no more Target and Walmart vintage style Origins toy hunts, and no more pre-orders at online retailers like Big Bad Toy Store or Entertainment Earth.
To clarify this change, YouTube’s Pixel Dan caught up with Mattel’s Global Brand Manager Josh Graham to confirm that the vintage style Origins figures are indeed disappearing from retail and moving exclusively to Mattel Creations. This is what Josh had to say:

JOSH GRAHAM: “That is correct. Starting in 2024, we still want to hold our promise to finish that vintage line for all the collectors and completionists out there, and Mattel Creations will be the home of where you can find them.”
Josh stressed that, quite opposite from the toyline ending, it was Mattel’s goal to finish out the vintage toyline, and even include more vintage playsets. MOTU Fans will just have to go through Mattel Creations exclusively now to get them.
What will take its place you ask, in the main-line retail space? The new-buck, cartoon Filmation style Origins figures are coming to retail this Spring 2024.

Postscript: We are quite aware the ordering experience via Mattel Creations has been a bumpy road for some fans domestically and internationally, so hopefully Mattel can iron out any of these issues before this transition comes to pass next year.
We’ll see you next time.
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Not surprised. Once your line becomes ancillary characters it was Inevitable.
This Mattel move is probably going to be the End of our Vintage line, due to the BOTS buying up the entire amount on Creations!!! Collectors must pay 5x the price now…. Thanks again Mattel
Honestly, the biggest issue to me is the cost. If you are not based in the US, the shipping costs alone are pretty brutal – they essentially double the price. And you can’t even do the BBTS-style pile-of-loot. Basically, I’d have to order one figure, every couple of weeks or whatever the release cycle may be, for 40+ bucks each. Ugh…
I have heard that a lot. I gotta believe there is a better way. Open a sub warehouse in Europe or somewhere like that. They are making these things in Vietnam I think so why not ship a portion there.
Believe me, I have wondered that myself, alot 😀 My father used to work for Mattel, for crying out loud (in Hamburg GER). I am not sure how things are done these days, but it seems that Mattel just doesn’t deem it worth it to use international shipping hubs. Technically, they would only need a single such hub in Europe and cover a couple dozen countries in one go. But alas….
I will admit that they do at least include the customs charges in their prices, so I don’t have to deal with that after delivery (which would be annoying to do at best).