Thanks to the Instagram account of Roy Juarez, we now have a look at the packaging artwork for the last basic figure in the core Masterverse Wave 9 action figure line; Faker!
Known as the “Evil Robot of Skeletor”, this Faker “New Eternia” subline packaging artwork (illustrated by artist Eamon O’Donoghue) is sure to make any fan feel blue!
Check these out:

Faker’s bio has been revealed too!
“In his efforts to become the most powerful being in Eternia, Skeletor needed a vessel to harness the Power of Grayskull. The evil lord combined mad science and dark magic to create Faker, a being strong enough to contain the energy of the universe, and controllable enough to be wielded against his enemies.”

What an exciting wave this is turning out to be!
We’ll see you next time!
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I like the metal one in Revelation better. I love anything with stretchy arms 💕
I honestly think that these bios are some of my favorite parts of the NE figures. I love how they are slowly creating a separate canon
@tawzoo The New Eternia bios are terrific. It is a shame that the Masterverse comics are not fully exploiting them.