We have another Wave 9 confirmation!
Thanks to the Instagram account of Roy Juarez, we not only have our first look at the glorious Masterverse packaging artwork for the upcoming New Eternia Clawful Deluxe figure, but we also received a confirmation that this collectible will be part of the Ninth Wave of this Masters of the Universe action figure line!
First the artwork: Illustrated by artist Simon Eckert, fans can now marvel at these two wonderful renditions of the Masters of the Universe: New Eternia Clawful, featured on its packaging. Check these out:

Now when we view the packaging itself, not only do fans get a peek at how the Masterverse New Eternia Clawful Deluxe figure will look at your local retail store, but it also reveals that it will be part of Masterverse Wave 9 along with Revelation Mer-Man 2.0, Princess of Power Grizzlor, New Eternia Buzz-Off and New Eternia Faker. Check it out:

Now finally, here is his bio:
“The nightmarish legends of Clawful are well-known among the sea-fairing adventurers of New Eternia. The king of the Claw People can shipwreck an entire vessel with a single snap. He has been rumored to pillage the wreckage and drag seafarers to the deepest, darkest waters. Captains change course at the mere mention of his name. But they are only rumors… aren’t they?”
New Eternia Clawful and the rest of Masterverse Wave 9 should be available for purchase later this Summer!
We’ll see you next time!
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Big scary lobster man! 😊👍🏻
yall in the mood to go to red lobster now like me? 🤣
This is shaping up to be a nice wave.
I think it’s really cool how New Eternia seems to hsve different storylines running throughout it. Most of them seem to be tied into the He-Man vs. Skeletor and the scimitar of souls. But thee also seems to be a separate one with battle armor he man, Jitsu, and Now clawful all being on the sea.
Can’t wait for this wave. 😀🦞😂
It might turn out to be the best yet! 👏
@admin I hope so 🤞🏼
I can’t tell you how excited I am for this next wave. I been saving up my “lawn mower" income to insure I will be owning the next two waves! Clawful was on my top ten NEED to HAVE figures when I first stared. I was practically jumping up and down durion the first Episode of Revelation. And while it was just Evil-Lynn in disguise it was sweet to her her use the line “I’m not Clawful, but I can be Awful!" I believe she said that in one of the old 80’s cartoons or in the comics. Can’t remember but Kevin Smith didnt think of that on his own :p
July is going to take waaaaay to long. And then I’ll have to wait till October for the next line. One thing that I did knotice though is that they are making a Sush Head from the New adventure He-Man. Never was a fan of that show, but the figure is kind of neat looking. He isn’t part of any of the waves though so I wonder if it will be something like only being able to buy it on Mattel. If I do miss out on that one it won’t be a big loss for me. I did end up buying the “God-Lynn" even though I wasn’t a big fan. If I were to predict where my focus turns, it will be for trying to buy all the new 7″ figures.
Sooooo! Has anyone spoken up about who their favorite character is???
It’s a tie between Ram-Man and Man-At-Arms with Clawful coming in after!
Favorite figure of the next 2 waves bro or do you mean all time favorite character?
All time favorite, but there are those that no matter what, I’d buy them anyway.